- eurybathic
- эврибатиальный (о морском организме, обитающем на различных глубинах)
* * *распространенный на всех глубинах
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
eurybathic — adjective Etymology: eury + Greek bathos depth Date: 1902 capable of living on the bottom in both deep and shallow water … New Collegiate Dictionary
eurybathic — tolerant of a wide range in depth … Dictionary of ichthyology
eurybathic — /yoor euh bath ik, yerr /, adj. Ecol. of or pertaining to marine or freshwater life that can tolerate a wide range of depths (opposed to stenobathic). [1900 05; EURY + Gk báth(os) depth + IC] * * * … Universalium
eurybathic — eu·ry·bath·ic … English syllables
eurybathic — eu•ry•bath•ic [[t]ˌyʊər əˈbæθ ɪk, ˌyɜr [/t]] adj. ecl of or pertaining to marine or freshwater life that can tolerate a wide range of depths (opposed to stenobathic) • Etymology: 1900–05; eury + Gk báth(os) depth + ic … From formal English to slang
eurybathic — |yu̇rə̇|bathik, rē| adjective Etymology: eury + Greek bathos depth + English ic more at bathos : living on the bottom of a body of water at varying depths opposed to stenobathic … Useful english dictionary
eurybath — /yoor euh bath , yerr /, n. a eurybathic organism. [by back formation from EURYBATHIC] * * * … Universalium
stenobathic — |stenə|bathik adjective Etymology: sten + Greek bathos depth + English ic more at bathos of a pelagic organism : living within narrow limits of depth opposed to eurybathic * * * /sten euh bath ik/, adj. Ecol. of or pertaining to marine or… … Useful english dictionary
eurybath — /yoor euh bath , yerr /, n. a eurybathic organism. [by back formation from EURYBATHIC] … Useful english dictionary
stenobathic — adj. [Gr. stenos, narrow; bathys, depth] An organism restricted to a narrow vertical range of movement; see eurybathic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
stenobathic — /sten euh bath ik/, adj. Ecol. of or pertaining to marine or freshwater life that can tolerate only limited changes in depth (opposed to eurybathic). [1900 05; STENO + Gk báth(os) depth (see BATHO ) + IC] * * * … Universalium