- etney
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Eithne — (earlier Ethniu, Ethliu, Ethlinn and a variety of other spellings see below) is a popular Irish female name meaning little fire and is borne by a variety of historical and legendary figures, including:* Ethniu, daughter of Balor and mother of Lug … Wikipedia
Ethniu — (Old Irish IPA|/ˈeθʲnʲu/, Eithne IPA|/ˈehnʲə/; also Ethliu, Ethlinn, and a variety of other spellings – see below), in Irish mythology, is the daughter of the Fomorian leader Balor, and the mother of Lugh.Her union with Lugh s father, Cian of the … Wikipedia
Eithne — (Aussprache [ˈɛnʲə], [ˈɛhnʲə]) ist ein weiblicher irischer Vorname. Er bedeutet „kleines Feuer“. Etymologisch entspricht ihm der männlicher Vorname Aidan. Variationen Andere, teilweise altertümliche Schreibweisen sind: Ethnea, Ethlend, Ethnen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ethniu — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cian encuentra a la hija de Balor , dibujo de H.R. Millar, c.1905. Ethniu, o Eithne o también Ethliu, Ethlinn, (y una gran variedad de otros deletreos vea abajo), es la hija del Líder Fomoriano Balor, y la madre de… … Wikipedia Español