estuarine fauna

estuarine fauna
устьевая фауна

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "estuarine fauna" в других словарях:

  • Fauna of Africa — Fauna of Africa, in its broader sense, is all the animals living on the African continent and its surrounding seas and islands. The more characteristic African fauna is found in the Afrotropical ecoregion formerly called Ethiopian (the Sub… …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of Australia — Part of a series on Wildlife of Australia …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of Scotland — The fauna of Scotland is generally typical of the north west European part of the Palearctic ecozone, although several of the country s larger mammals were hunted to extinction in historic times and human activity has also led to various species… …   Wikipedia

  • Synopses of the British fauna (collection d'ouvrages) — Synopses of the British Fauna Volume 56: Échinodermes Synopses of the British Fauna est une série de guides de détermination publiée par la Société linnéenne de Londres et l Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association. Chaque volume de la série… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Synopses of the british fauna — Volume 56: Échinodermes Synopses of the British Fauna est une série de guides de détermination publiée par la Société linnéenne de Londres et l Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association. Chaque volume de la série représente l analyse approfondie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Synopses of the british fauna (collection d'ouvrages) — Synopses of the British Fauna Volume 56: Échinodermes Synopses of the British Fauna est une série de guides de détermination publiée par la Société linnéenne de Londres et l Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association. Chaque volume de la série… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Synopses of the British Fauna — is a series of identification guides, published by The Linnean Society and The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association. Each volume in the series provides and in depth analysis of a group of animals and is designed to bridge the gap between… …   Wikipedia

  • Synopses of the British Fauna — Volume 56: Échinodermes Synopses of the British Fauna est une série de guides de détermination publiée par la Société linnéenne de Londres et l Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association. Chaque volume de la série représente l analyse approfondie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Richardson's Bay — Geobox|Estuary name = Richardson s Bay native name = other name = category = image caption =The outlet of Coyote Creek, which drains Tam Valley into upper Richardson s Bay official name = etymology = after William A. Richardson motto = nickname …   Wikipedia

  • Pallikaranai — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name = Pallikaranai | type = city | latd = | longd = state name = Tamil Nadu district = Kancheepuram leader title = leader name = altitude = population as of = 2001 population total = 22,503| population density …   Wikipedia

  • List of Cumacea literature — Extensive literature list on Cumaceans. Contents: Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A …   Wikipedia

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