- erratic block
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
erratic block — or erratic boulder noun A mass of rock transported by ice and deposited at a distance • • • Main Entry: ↑erratic … Useful english dictionary
erratic boulder — erratic block or erratic boulder noun A mass of rock transported by ice and deposited at a distance • • • Main Entry: ↑erratic … Useful english dictionary
erratic — [ɪ ratɪk] adjective not even or regular in pattern or movement. noun (also erratic block or boulder) Geology a large rock that differs from the surrounding rock, brought from a distance by glacial action. Derivatives erratically adverb erraticism … English new terms dictionary
erratic — adj. 1 inconsistently variable in conduct, opinions, etc. 2 uncertain in movement. Phrases and idioms: erratic block Geol. a large rock carried from a distance by glacial action. Derivatives: erratically adv. Etymology: ME f. OF erratique f. L… … Useful english dictionary
Erratic — Er*rat ic, n. 1. One who deviates from common and accepted opinions; one who is eccentric or preserve in his intellectual character. [1913 Webster] 2. A rogue. [Obs.] Cockeram. [1913 Webster] 3. (Geol.) Any stone or material that has been borne… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
erratic — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin erraticus, from erratus, past participle of errare Date: 14th century 1. a. having no fixed course ; wandering < an erratic comet > b. archaic nomadic … New Collegiate Dictionary
erratic — /əˈrætɪk / (say uh ratik), /i / (say ee ) adjective 1. deviating from the proper or usual course in conduct or opinion; eccentric. 2. having no certain course; wandering; not fixed: erratic winds. 3. Geology a. (of boulders, etc.) transported… …
erratic — A rock fragment carried by glacial ice, or by floating ice (ice rafting), and subsequently deposited at some distance from the outcrop from which it was derived, and generally, though not necessarily, resting on bedrock or sediments of… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Big Rock (glacial erratic) — Big Rock Big Rock (also known as Okotoks Erratic) is a glacial erratic situated between the towns of Okotoks and Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada (18 kilometres south of Calgary). The 15,000 tonne (16,500 short ton) quartzite boulder is the world s … Wikipedia
er|rat´i|cal|ly — er|rat|ic «uh RAT ihk», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. not steady; uncertain; irregular: »An erratic clock is not dependable. An erratic mind jumps from one idea to another. 2. queer; odd: »erratic ideas, erratic behavior. SYNONYM(S) … Useful english dictionary
er|rat|ic — «uh RAT ihk», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. not steady; uncertain; irregular: »An erratic clock is not dependable. An erratic mind jumps from one idea to another. 2. queer; odd: »erratic ideas, erratic behavior. SYNONYM(S) … Useful english dictionary