- epidosite
- эпидозит (метаморфическая порода)
* * *эпидозит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Epidosite — (pronEng|ɨˈpɪdəsaɪt) is a highly altered epidote and quartz bearing rock. It is the result of extreme hydrothermal fluid alteration of basalt that occurs below the black smokers within mid oceanic ridge spreading centers. Similar altered rocks… … Wikipedia
epidosite — ep·i·do·site … English syllables
epidosite — ˌepəˈdōˌsīt, ə̇ˈpidəˌs noun ( s) Etymology: German epidosit, from Greek epidosis free giving, free gift, contribution, advance (from epididonai to give besides, increase, advance) + German it ite : a schistose metamorphic rock composed of green… … Useful english dictionary
List of rock types — This page is intended as a list of all rock types. NOTOC A : Amphibolite: Andesite: Anorthosite : Anthracite: Aplite: Argillite: Arkose B : Banded iron formation: Basalt: Basanite: Blueschist: Boninite: Breccia C : Carbonatite: Cataclasite: Chalk … Wikipedia
Epidote — Infobox mineral name = Epidote category = Silicate mineral boxwidth = boxbgcolor = imagesize = caption = Epidote crystals formula = Ca2Al2(Fe3+;Al)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) molweight = color = Pistachio green, yellow green, greenish black habit =… … Wikipedia
Unakite — First discovered in the United States in the Unakas mountains of North Carolina, unakite is an altered granite composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and generally clear quartz. It exists in various shades of green and pink and is… … Wikipedia
Geology of Lizard, Cornwall — The Geology of The Lizard, Cornwall in the United Kingdom has been the subject of much study. It is a fascinating and unique area geologically as it is a rare example of an exposed ophiolite complex. The rocks found in the area are analogous to… … Wikipedia
Allophane — Allophane[1] Catégorie IX : silicates[2] … Wikipédia en Français
Épidote — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Epidote Gisement topotype Bourg d Oisans, France (33x18 cm) … Wikipédia en Français
Hornblendeschiefer — (Hornblendefels, Amphibolit, Amphibolitschiefer, Syenitschiefer z. T.), diejenigen kristallinen Schiefer, welche vorzugsweise aus Hornblende bestehen. Nur in seltenen Fällen fehlen andre Mineralien. Meist treten noch Feldspat und Quarz, in… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
e|pid|o|site — «ih PIHD uh syt», noun. a rock composed chiefly of epidote, with quartz and some other minerals in variable amounts: »Epidosite is granular to schistose…and commonly is very tough as well as hard (Fenton and Fenton). ╂[< Greek epidósis an… … Useful english dictionary