- ephebic stage
период жизни между юношеским и старческим возрастом
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
ephebic — adj. [Gr. epi, upon; hebe, puberty] 1. Mature. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The adult; between the neanic and gerontic stage; the winged adult stage. 3. (BRYOZOA) Zooids laid down during the phase of astogenic repetition … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
ephebus — /i fee beuhs/, n., pl. ephebi / buy/. a youth of ancient Greece just entering manhood or commencing training for full Athenian citizenship. [ < L; see EPHEBE] * * * ▪ ancient Greek institution in ancient Greece, any male who had attained… … Universalium
Palestine — /pal euh stuyn / for 1, 2; /pal euh steen / for 3, n. 1. Also called Holy Land. Biblical name, Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean. 2. a former British mandate (1923 48) comprising part of this country,… … Universalium
Agoge — The agoge (Άγωγή) was a rigorous education and training regime for all Spartan citizens, except the sons in the ruling houses. The training involved learning stealth, cultivating loyalty to one s group, military training, hunting, dancing and… … Wikipedia
epigraphy — epigraphist, epigrapher, n. /i pig reuh fee/, n. 1. the study or science of epigraphs or inscriptions, esp. of ancient inscriptions. 2. inscriptions collectively. [1850 55; EPIGRAPH + Y3] * * * ▪ historiography Introduction the study of written… … Universalium
GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES, RABBINICAL KNOWLEDGE OF — The nature and extent of the knowledge of Greek and Latin on the part of the rabbis are subjects of scholarly controversy, differing opinions even being based on the same data, since they lend themselves to several interpretations. Such data are… … Encyclopedia of Judaism