- epeirogenic geology
эпейрогеническая геология
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Geology of North America — The geology of North America, like most topics of scientific study, is undergoing progressive investigation by numerous public and private sector earth scientists, academicians, and students. In that regard, the detailed picture is subject to… … Wikipedia
continental landform — ▪ geology Introduction any conspicuous topographic feature on the largest land areas of the Earth. Familiar examples are mountains (including volcanic (volcanism) cones), plateaus, and valleys. (The term landform also can be applied to… … Universalium
epeirogeny — epeirogenic, epeirogenetic /i puy roh jeuh net ik/, adj. /ep uy roj euh nee/, n. Geol. vertical or tilting movement of the earth s crust, generally affecting broad areas of a continent. Also, epeirogenesis /i puy roh jen euh sis/, epirogeny.… … Universalium
Magmatic underplating — Description Magmatic underplating occurs when basaltic magmas are trapped at the Mohorovičić discontinuity, within the crust, or even in crust mantle transition zones. Large amounts of magma reach the surface via volcanoes, but there are times… … Wikipedia
Orogeny — Geologic provinces of the world (USGS) Shield … Wikipedia
GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Mountain — For other uses, see Mountain (disambiguation). Chimborazo … Wikipedia
Diastrophism — refers to deformation of the Earth s crust, and more especially to folding and faulting. Diastrophism can be considered part of geotectonics. Diastrophism comes from the Greek word meaning a twisting.[1][2] All processes that move, elevate or… … Wikipedia
Geosyncline — In geology, geosyncline is a term still occasionally used for a subsiding linear trough that was caused by the accumulation of sedimentary rock strata deposited in a basin and subsequently compressed, deformed, and uplifted into a mountain range … Wikipedia
Gawler craton — The Gawler Craton covers approximately 440,000 square kilometres of central South Australia. Its Precambrian crystalline basement crustal block was cratonised ca. 1550 1450 Ma. Prior to 1550 Ma the craton comprised a number of active Proterozoic… … Wikipedia
tectonics — /tek ton iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the science or art of assembling, shaping, or ornamenting materials in construction; the constructive arts in general. 2. See structural geology. [1625 35; see TECTONIC, ICS] * * * Scientific study of… … Universalium