epeiric sea

epeiric sea
внутреннее море
эпиконтинентальное море

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "epeiric sea" в других словарях:

  • Epeiric sea — An epeiric sea (also known as an epicontinental sea) is a large but shallow body of salt water that lies over a part of a continent. Epeiric seas are usually associated with the marine transgressions of the early Cenozoic and other eras. They can …   Wikipedia

  • epeiric — /i puy rik/, adj. extending inland from a continental margin: an epeiric sea. [1920 25; < Gk épeir(os) mainland, continent + IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • epeiric — adjective Describing the part of a sea that lies over a continental shelf …   Wiktionary

  • epeiric —   a. (of sea) within the continental shelf …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • Epeiric Seas —    Shallow seas that cover a continent, usually caused when the sea level rises …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • epeiric — ə̇ˈpīrik, (ˈ)e|p adjective Etymology: Greek ēpeiros mainland, continent + English ic of a shallow sea : that covers a large part of a continent while remaining connected with the ocean compare epicontinental …   Useful english dictionary

  • Champlain Sea — The Champlain Sea was a temporary inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, a paratropical subsea or epeiric sea created by the retreating glaciers during the close of the last ice age. The Sea once included lands in what are now the Canadian provinces of… …   Wikipedia

  • Sundance Sea — The Sundance Sea was an epeiric sea which existed in North America during the mid to late Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era.cite web last = Fanning first = Suzette title = Stratigraphy of the Sundance Formation url = http://www.usd.edu/… …   Wikipedia

  • Turgai Sea — The Turgai (or Turgay) Sea or Turgai Strait, also known as the West Siberian Sea, was a large shallow body of salt water (an epicontinental or epeiric sea) of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. It extended north of the present day Caspian Sea to the …   Wikipedia

  • North Sea — For other uses, see North Sea (disambiguation). North Sea Location Atlantic Ocean Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • Transgression (geology) — A transgression is a geologic event during which sea level rises relative to the land and the shoreline moves toward higher ground, resulting in flooding.Transgressions can be caused either by the land sinking or the ocean basins filling with… …   Wikipedia

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