Coefficient of Performance — (COP) A ratio of the work or useful energy output of a system versus the amount of work or energy inputted into the system as determined by using the same energy equivalents for energy in and out. Is used as a measure of the steady state… … Energy terms
Energy harvesting — (also known as Power harvesting or energy scavenging ) is the process by which energy is captured and stored. Frequently this term is applied when speaking about small autonomous devices, like those used in sensor networks. A variety of different … Wikipedia
Coefficient of Heat Transmission — (U Value) A value that describes the ability of a material to conduct heat. The number of Btu that flow through 1 square foot of material, in one hour. It is the reciprocal of the R Value (U Value = 1/R Value) … Energy terms
Coefficient of Utilization — (CU) A term used for lighting appliances; the ratio of lumens received on a flat surface to the light output, in lumens, from a lamp; used to evaluate the effectiveness of luminaries in delivering light … Energy terms
Coefficient of thermal expansion — When the temperature of a substance changes, the energy that is stored in the intermolecular bonds between atoms changes. When the stored energy increases, so does the length of the molecular bonds. As a result, solids typically expand in… … Wikipedia
Coefficient of performance — The coefficient of performance or COP (sometimes CP), of a heat pump is the ratio of the change in heat at the output (the heat reservoir of interest) to the supplied work. Contents 1 Equation 2 Derivation 3 Improving COP 4 … Wikipedia
Coefficient of utilization — A coefficient of utilization (CU) is a measure of the efficiency of a luminaire in transferring luminous energy to the working plane in a particular area. The CU is the ratio of luminous flux from a luminaire incident upon a work plane to that… … Wikipedia
Coefficient of restitution — A bouncing basketball captured with a stroboscopic flash at 25 images per second. Ignoring air resistance, the square root of the ratio of the height of one bounce to that of the preceding bounce gives the coefficient of restitution for the… … Wikipedia
Energy carrier — An energy carrier is a substance or phenomenon that can be used to produce mechanical work or heat or to operate chemical or physical processes (ISO 13600).It is any system or substance that contains energy for conversion as usable energy later… … Wikipedia
coefficient — 1. The expression of the amount or degree of any quality possessed by a substance, or of the degree of physical or chemical change normally occurring in that substance under stated conditions. 2. The ratio or factor that relates a quantity… … Medical dictionary
energy transfer coefficient — spinduliuotės energijos perdavos koeficientas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Silpninimo koeficiento, kurį lemia pirminės fotoninės spinduliuotės energijos keitimo antrinės dalelinės spinduliuotės energija, dalis.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas