- endogenic
- эндогенный, глубинного происхождения
* * *эндогенный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
endogenic — endogenetic en do*ge*net ic, endogenic en do*gen icadj. 1. (Biol.) Relating to or arising from an internal process; same as {endogenous}. Syn: Syn. . [WordNet 1.5 2. (Geol.) Relating to the interior of the earth; of or pertaining to a metamorphic … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endogenic — adjective 1. derived or originating internally • Syn: ↑endogenous • Ant: ↑exogenic, ↑exogenous (for: ↑endogenous) • Derivationally related forms: ↑endoge … Useful english dictionary
Endogenic and exogenic — Exogenic redirects here, for the record label, see Exogenic Records. Endogenic (also known as endogenetic) is a geologic term that refers to internal processes and phenomena that occur beneath the Earth s surface or any other celestial body.… … Wikipedia
endogenic factors — vidiniai veiksniai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogaus judėjimo augimui ir vystymuisi įtakos turintys genetiškai nulemti veiksniai: 1) individo genotipas ir jo pagrindu susidaręs fenotipas, lemiantys didžiųjų ir mažųjų… … Sporto terminų žodynas
endogenic inhibitory factors — vidiniai trukdomieji veiksniai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sportininko varžybinę veiklą trukdantys vidinės kilmės veiksniai, pvz., emociniai išgyvenimai, hipoksija, atsirandantis ir didėjantis nuovargis, traumos.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
endogenic — adjective Date: circa 1904 1. of or relating to metamorphism taking place within a planet or moon 2. endogenous … New Collegiate Dictionary
endogenic — adjective Originating within the earth; endogenous or endogenetic … Wiktionary
endogenic — SYN: endogenous. * * * en·do·gen·ic (en″do jenґik) endogenous … Medical dictionary
endogenic — 1. Pertaining to, or living in, the zone immediately beneath the earth’s surface [9]. 2. Pertaining to geological process originating within the earth [16]. See also endogean, epigean, hypogean … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
endogenic — [ˌɛndəʊ dʒɛnɪk] adjective Geology formed or occurring beneath the surface of the earth. Often contrasted with exogenic … English new terms dictionary
endogenic — en·do·gen·ic … English syllables