- amosite
- амозит (богатая железом асбестовидная разновидность амфибола)
* * *• амозит• коричневый асбест
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Amosite — is a commonly commercially used synonym of grunerite first used by Hall. It may also be ferro anthophyllite. The amosite referred to by Peacock is fibrous actinolite or cummingtonite.See also: List of minerals … Wikipedia
Amosite — L amosite ou grunérite (du nom de son découvreur, le chimiste franco suisse Emmanuel Louis Gruner) est une forme d amiante de la famille des amphiboles, utilisé dans l industrie et hautement cancérogène, provoquant le cancer du poumon et le… … Wikipédia en Français
amosite — amozitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralų žedrito, griunerito ir antofilito asbestiška atmaina. atitikmenys: angl. amosite rus. амозит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
amosite — noun Etymology: Amosa (from Asbestos Mines of South Africa) + 1 ite Date: circa 1918 an iron rich amphibole that is a variety of asbestos … New Collegiate Dictionary
amosite — /am euh suyt /, n. Mineral. an asbestine variety of anthophyllite, rich in iron, formerly used as a heat resistant material. [1915 20; A(sbestos) M(ine) o(f) S(outh Africa) + ITE1] * * * Variety of the silicate mineral cummingtonite, which is a… … Universalium
amosite — noun A variety of grunerite asbestos, once used in insulation … Wiktionary
amosite — am·o·site (aґmə sīt″) a mineral in the amphibole class of asbestos, used industrially but now restricted because it causes asbestosis and certain forms of cancer such as mesotheliomas. Called also brown asbestos … Medical dictionary
Amosite — A monoclinic amphibole form of asbestos having long fibers and a high iron content; used in insulation … Forensic science glossary
amosite — [ eɪməsʌɪt] noun an iron rich amphibole asbestos. Origin early 20th cent.: from the initial letters of Asbestos Mines of South Africa … English new terms dictionary
amosite — am·o·site … English syllables
amosite — ˈaməˌsīt, ˌz noun ( s) Etymology: Asbestos Mine of South Africa + English ite : a mineral that is an iron rich variety of anthophyllite occurring in long fibers and much used as a type of asbestos … Useful english dictionary