electromagnetic sensor

electromagnetic sensor
датчик электромагнитного поля

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "electromagnetic sensor" в других словарях:

  • Electromagnetic clutch — Electromagnetic clutches operate electrically, but transmit torque mechanically. This is why they used to be referred to as electro mechanical clutches. Over the years, EM became known as electromagnetic versus electro mechanical, referring more… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic Diaphragm — An electromagnetic diaphragm is a form of capacitive sensor used on an electronic stethoscope. The diaphragm is coated with a conductive material. Behind the diaphragm, a conductive plate is positioned behind and parallel to the diaphragm, so… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic Log — An Electromagnetic Log, sometimes called an EM Log , measures the speed of a vessel through water.It operates on the principle that: * when a conductor (such was water) passes through an electromagnetic field, a voltage is created and * the… …   Wikipedia

  • Level sensor — Level sensors are used to detect liquid level. The liquid to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure sensor — Digital air pressure sensor Compact digital barometric pressure sensor A pressure sensor measure …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber optic sensor — A fiber optic sensor is a sensor that uses optical fiber either as the sensing element ( intrinsic sensors ), or as a means of relaying signals from a remote sensor to the electronics that process the signals ( extrinsic sensors ). Fibers have… …   Wikipedia

  • Proximity sensor — A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic field, or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance),… …   Wikipedia

  • Heat flux sensor — A heat flux sensor is a commonly used name for a transducer generating a signal that is proportional to the local heat flux. This heat flux can have different origins; in principle convective , radiative as well as conductive heat can be measured …   Wikipedia

  • Piezoelectric sensor — A piezoelectric sensor is a device that uses the piezoelectric effect to measure pressure, acceleration, strain or force by converting them to an electrical signal.ApplicationsPiezoelectric sensors have proven to be versatile tools for the… …   Wikipedia

  • GTRI Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory — The Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (SEAL) is one of seven labs in the Georgia Tech Research Institute.OverviewSEAL researchers investigate radar systems, electromagnetic environmental effects, radar system performance… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular sensor — A molecular sensor or chemosensor is a molecule that interacts with an analyte to produce a detectable change. Molecular sensors combine molecular recognition with some form of reporter so the presence of the guest can be observed.[1] The term… …   Wikipedia

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