- ammocoete larva
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
larva — (plural larvae)) a developmental stage well differentiated from the juvenile and intervening between the times of hatching and of transformation (Hubbs, 1943). Young after hatching are markedly different from the adult. Divisible into prolarva… … Dictionary of ichthyology
ammocoete — noun A larva of a lamprey … Wiktionary
agnathan — /ag neuh theuhn/, n. 1. any member of the vertebrate class Agnatha. adj. 2. agnathous. [AGNATH(A) + AN] * * * ▪ fish Introduction any member of the group of primitive, jawless fishes (fish) that includes the lampreys (lamprey) (order… … Universalium
Petromyzontidae — Pétromyzontidés … Wikipédia en Français
Pronéphros — Le pronéphros est un organe excréteur rudimentaire qui se développe chez tous les vertébrés. Sommaire 1 Fonction 2 Développement 3 Formation et disparition 4 Note historiq … Wikipédia en Français
Walter Garstang — (February 9, 1868 February 23, 1949), a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, was a marine biologist and zoologist who was one of the first to study the functional biology of marine invertebrate larvae. His best known works on marine larvae were his … Wikipedia