- efflux
- 1. вытекание; отток 2. утечка (жидкости, газа)
submerged —- подводное вытекание
* * *утекание
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Efflux — Ef flux, n. [See {Effluent}, {Flux}.] 1. The act or process of flowing out, or issuing forth; effusion; outflow; as, the efflux of matter from an ulcer; the efflux of men s piety. [1913 Webster] It is then that the devout affections . . . are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
efflux — ⇒EFFLUX, subst. masc. Rare. Écoulement d un fluide. Sur l influence de la tension superficielle sur l efflux d un liquide en forme de jet (Phys. et Radium, 1923, p. 732). P. métaph. Efflux éternisés de la nécessité divine, les anges ne sont, en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Efflux — Ef*flux , v. i. To run out; to flow forth; to pass away. [Obs.] Boyle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
efflux — index outflow Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
efflux — 1640s, from L. effluxus, pp. of effluere (see EFFLUENCE (Cf. effluence)) … Etymology dictionary
efflux — [e fluk′shənef′luks΄] [< L effluxus, pp. of effluere: see EFFLUENCE] n. 1. a flowing out, or emanating 2. a thing that flows out; outflow; emanation 3. an ending; expiration: Also effluxion [e fluk′shən] … English World dictionary
efflux — 1. noun a) The process of flowing out. We all age through the efflux of time. b) That which has flowed out. The efflux of matter from a boil can be painful. Syn: outflow, effluxion, effluence … Wiktionary
efflux — ef·flux ef .ləks n 1) something that is given off in or as if in a stream <the red blood cell sodium ion efflux> 2) the action or process of flowing or seeming to flow out <the uptake and efflux of sodium ions> … Medical dictionary
Efflux — Der Begriff Efflux findet als Anglizismus in der deutschen Fachliteratur Verwendung: In der Physiologie für die aktive und passive Ausscheidung unterschiedlicher Substanzen aus Zellen und in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft für den Abfluss von Devisen … Deutsch Wikipedia
efflux — reaktyvioji čiurkšlė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. efflux vok. Reaktionsstrahl, m rus. реактивная струя, f pranc. jet de propulsion, m; jet de réacteur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
efflux — / eflʌks/ noun flowing out ● the efflux of capital to North America … Dictionary of banking and finance