- ambulacrum
- Ech. 1. амбулакр, амбулакральная бороздка 2. амбулакральная ножка
echinoid-type ambulacrum амбулакр с наиболее широкой самой нижней пластинкой
* * *амбулякр
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ambulacrum — Am bu*la crum, n.; pl. {Ambulacra}. [L., an alley or covered way.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) One of the radical zones of echinoderms, along which run the principal nerves, blood vessels, and water tubes. These zones usually bear rows of locomotive suckers… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ambulācrum — (röm. Ant.), 1) das Spazierengehen, besonders in der bedeckten Porticus, od. in offenen Alleen; daher 2) Allee, ein mit Baumreihen bepflanzter Weg; 3) militärische Übung im Marschiren in voller Rüstung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ambulacrum — [am΄byo͞o lā′krəm, am΄byəlā′krəm] n. pl. ambulacra [am΄byoo lākrə] [ModL < L, tree lined walk < ambulare: see AMBLE] Zool. in echinoderms, that surface area containing a radiating series of perforated plates through which the tube feet… … English World dictionary
Ambulacrum — * An Ambulacrum is an architectural term for the atrium, courtyard, or parvise in front of a Basilica that is surrounded by arcades or colonnades and often contains a fountain is surrounded by trees.It can also refer to any walking path… … Wikipedia
ambulacrum — noun (plural ambulacra) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, alley, from ambulare to walk more at amble Date: 1837 an ambulacral area or part … New Collegiate Dictionary
ambulacrum — n.; pl. lacra [L. ambulare, to walk] 1. (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) The adhesive disc of hooks that terminate the tarsus of ticks. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The walking leg. 3. (ECHINODERMATA) Plates with pores forming the test, arranged in 5 or… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ambulacrum — ambulacral, adj. /am byeuh lak reuhm, lay kreuhm/, n., pl. ambulacra / lak reuh, lay kreuh/. one of the radial areas in an echinoderm, as the sea urchin, bearing the tube feet by which the creature moves. [1830 40; < NL, L: alley, walking place,… … Universalium
ambulacrum — noun A row of pores for the protrusion of appendages such as tube feet. See Also: ambulacral … Wiktionary
ambulacrum — [ˌambjʊ leɪkrəm, lakrəm] noun (plural ambulacra leɪkrə, lakrə) Zoology (in an echinoderm) each of the radially arranged bands through which the double rows of tube feet protrude. Derivatives ambulacral adjective Origin C19: L., avenue , from ambu … English new terms dictionary
ambulacrum — am·bu·lac·rum … English syllables
ambulacrum — am•bu•lac•rum [[t]ˌæm byəˈlæk rəm, ˈleɪ krəm[/t]] n. pl. lac•ra [[t] ˈlæk rə, ˈleɪ krə[/t]] ivt one of the radiating surface areas in echinoderms, through which the tube feet protrude during movement • Etymology: 1830–40; < NL, L: alley,… … From formal English to slang