- echo fish
рыба, обладающая способностью эхолокация
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Fish Hoek, Cape Town — Fish Hoek (Afrikaans: Vishoek , meaning either Fish Corner, Fish Glen or fish hook) is a coastal village nestled in a valley at the mouth of the Silvermine River, on the False Bay side of the Cape Peninsula in Cape Town, South Africa. Previously… … Wikipedia
Fish and Chips — Fish ’n’ Chips Fish and Chips (kurz Fish ’n’ Chips) ist ein Gericht aus in Backteig frittiertem Fischfilet (Fish) und dicken frittierten Kartoffelstäbchen (chips). Sie gelten als inoffizielles Nationalgericht des Vereinigten Königreiches und sind … Deutsch Wikipedia
Echo Canyon State Park — is a 1,080 acre Nevada state park in Lincoln County, Nevada. Located about 15 miles east of the town of Pioche, the state park is built around the 65 acre Echo Canyon Reservoir. It is in the Eastern Nevada Region of Nevada State Parks. Echo… … Wikipedia
ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center — ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center, formerly the Lake Champlain Basin Science Center, is located on the Burlington waterfront in Northern Vermont. It is home to more than 70 species of fish, amphibians, invertebrates, and reptiles, major… … Wikipedia
Fish Rock, California — Fish Rock Unincorporated community … Wikipedia
Fish in the Trap — おさかなはあみの中 (Osakana wa Ami no Naka) Genre Drama, Yaoi Manga Written by Ranma Nekokichi Publ … Wikipedia
Echo class submarine — The Soviet Echo I class (project 659 class) were completed at Komsomolsk in the Soviet far east in 1960 to 1962. The Echo I class were classed as SSGNs armed with six launchers for the P5 (SS N 3C Shaddock B) cruise missile. The Echo I class had… … Wikipedia
Echo sounding — pulses directed from the surface or from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by means of sound waves. HistoryAfter the disaster of the Titanic in 1912, the German physicist Alexander Behm conducted some research to… … Wikipedia
echo — 01. We shouted our names in the canyon, and listened to the [echo]. 02. The children shouted, and then listened for their [echoes] to come back from the hills. 03. His voiced [echoed] off the walls of the empty room. 04. The hall [echoed] with… … Grammatical examples in English
fish-finder — ▪ fishing also called Netsonde, in commercial fishing, high frequency sonar device for locating schools of fish. It transmits sound waves downward and receives echoes from the bottom of the sea, or from intervening schools of fish, also… … Universalium
echo-sounding — echˈo sounding noun A method of measuring the depth of water, locating shoals of fish, etc, by noting the time taken for an echo to return from the bottom, the shoal, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑echo … Useful english dictionary