- earth's crust
земной кора
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Earth's crust — noun the outer layer of the Earth • Syn: ↑crust • Hypernyms: ↑layer • Hyponyms: ↑horst, ↑plate, ↑crustal plate • Part Holonyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
earth's crust — hard surface of the earth, stone and soil that covers the earth s surface … English contemporary dictionary
Abundance of elements in Earth's crust — This table shows the abundance of elements in Earth s crust. Numbers show percentage in weight.Note that numbers are estimates, and they will vary depending on source and method of estimation. Order of magnitude of data can roughly be relied upon … Wikipedia
Carbon in Earth's crust — ▪ Table Carbon in Earth s crust form total amount (Pg* C) atmospheric CO (as of 1978) 696 oceanic carbon dioxide, bicarbonate ion, and carbonate ion 34,800 limestones, other carbonate sediments 64,800,000 carbonate in metamorphic rocks 2,640,000… … Universalium
Earth science — (also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth Sciences), is an all embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth [ [http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=earth%20science Wordnet Search: Earth science] ] . It is… … Wikipedia
crust — [ krʌst ] noun count or uncount * 1. ) the hard brown outer part of a LOAF of bread: a crust of bread: Sparrows pecked at a crust of bread. 2. ) a layer of cooked PASTRY that forms the outer part of a PIE. The inner part is called the filling. 3 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
crust´like´ — crust «kruhst», noun, verb. –n. 1. the hard, outside part of bread: »Baking makes the crust hard and dry to protect the crumb inside. 2. a) a piece of this: »The boy was told to eat the crusts of his sandwich. b) any hard, dry piece of bread. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
crust´less — crust «kruhst», noun, verb. –n. 1. the hard, outside part of bread: »Baking makes the crust hard and dry to protect the crumb inside. 2. a) a piece of this: »The boy was told to eat the crusts of his sandwich. b) any hard, dry piece of bread. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
crust — [krʌst] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: crusta crust, shell ] 1.) the hard brown outer surface of bread ▪ sandwiches with the crusts cut off 2.) the baked outer part of foods such as ↑pies or ↑pizzas ▪ a thin crust pizza 3.) a thin … Dictionary of contemporary English
Crust tsunami — A crust tsunami is a solid ground analog of a tsunami where the Earth s crust becomes detached from the mantle following the impact of a massive asteroid or comet. A simulation of such as event is shown in Miracle Planet: The Violent Past. See… … Wikipedia
earth-movement — earthˈ movement noun (geology) Elevation, subsidence or folding of the earth s crust • • • Main Entry: ↑earth … Useful english dictionary