- dynamite seismic
взрывная сейсморазведка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Seismic source — This article is about artificial seismic sources. For natural seismic sources, see Earthquake, Volcano, and related articles. A seismic source generates controlled seismic energy that is used in both reflection and refraction seismic surveys. A… … Wikipedia
seismic survey — method of investigating subterranean structure, particularly as related to exploration for petroleum, natural gas, and mineral deposits (mineral deposit). The technique is based on determinations of the time interval that elapses between… … Universalium
Reflection seismology — (or seismic reflection) is a method of exploration geophysics that uses the principles of seismology to estimate the properties of the Earth s subsurface from reflected seismic waves. The method requires a controlled seismic source of energy,… … Wikipedia
seismograph — seismographic /suyz meuh graf ik, suys /, seismographical, adj. /suyz meuh graf , grahf , suys /, n. any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes. [1855 60; SEISMO + GRAPH] * * * Introduction… … Universalium
List of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions — There have been a number of extremely large explosions, many accidental, caused by modern high explosives, older explosives such as gunpowder, volatile petroleum based fuels such as gasoline (petrol), and other chemical reactions. This list… … Wikipedia
Tovex — (also known as Threnchrite, Seismogel, and Seismopac) is a water gel explosive that has several advantages over traditional dynamite. Tovex has almost entirely replaced dynamite. Tovex enjoys a number of advantages over nitroglycerin based… … Wikipedia
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… … Universalium
Air India Flight 182 — Boeing 747 237B Emperor Kanishka landing at London Heathrow Airport on 10 June 1985, a few days before the explosion Occurrence summary … Wikipedia
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami — 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake Tsunami strikes Ao Nang, Thailand. Date 00:58:53, December 26 … Wikipedia
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake — Earthquake title = 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake date = December 26, 2004 depth = 30 km (19 mi) location = coord|3.316|N|95.854|E|type:landmark scale:50000000|display=inline,title Tsunami strikes Ao Nang, Thailand. type = undersea (subduction)… … Wikipedia