- duplicature
- дупликатура (удвоение или перегиб, напр. дистальной части карапакса остракод)
* * *известковая периферическая часть внутренней пластины
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
duplicature — du pli*ca*ture, n. [Cf. F. duplicature.] A doubling; a fold, as of a membrane. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
duplicature — [dyplikatyʀ] n. f. ÉTYM. 1906, in Rev. gén. des sc., no 21, p. 953; du lat. duplicatus, et ure. ❖ ♦ Biol. État d une membrane repliée sur elle même. || La duplicature du péritoine … Encyclopédie Universelle
duplicature — (du pli ka tu r ) s. f. Terme didactique. État d une chose plate et mince qui est repliée sur elle même. La duplicature du péritoine. • La peau du polype peut n être pas simple, elle peut être composée de deux membranes principales dont la… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
duplicature — (Class Ostracoda): Along inner margin of valve, thickened, calcified section of inner lamella. Space between outer lamella and duplicature is termed vestibule. Medially directed surface of duplicature contacts opposite member when carapace is… … Crustacea glossary
duplicature — n. [L. duplex, double] 1. A doubling; a fold. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Ostracoda, the calcified inner lamella of a shell that extends along the free margin of the valve and is fused to the outer lamella … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
duplicature — /dooh pli keuh choor , keuh cheuhr, kay cheuhr, dyooh /, n. a folding or doubling of a part on itself, as a membrane. [1680 90; < NL duplicatura. See DUPLICATE, URE] * * * … Universalium
duplicature — du·pli·ca·ture d(y)ü pli kə .chu̇(ə)r, chər; .kā chər n a doubling or fold esp. of a membrane … Medical dictionary
duplicature — du·pli·ca·ture … English syllables
duplicature — du•pli•ca•ture [[t]ˈdu plɪ kəˌtʃʊər, kə tʃər, ˌkeɪ tʃər, ˈdyu [/t]] n. a folding or doubling of a part on itself, as a membrane • Etymology: 1680–90; < NL duplicātūra. See duplicate, ure … From formal English to slang
duplicature — lə̇kəˌchu̇(ə)r, lə̇kəchər, ləˌkāchər noun ( s) Etymology: French, from Middle French, from Latin duplicatus + French ure : a doubling or fold especially of a membrane … Useful english dictionary
duplicature muscle fibers — (BRYOZOA) Muscle fibers that widen the anterior end of the tentacle sheath, through which the lophophore passes during protrusion and serves as fixator ligaments for protruded polypide … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology