- drilled out
• 1) разбуривал; 2) разбуриваемый• разбуриваемый
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
drill-out — A drilling away; scooping out. cochlear d. implantation of electrodes in a cochlea in which the lumen of the scala tympani has been obliterated by the deposition of new bone due to the inflammatory process in labyrinthitis; the cochlear wall … Medical dictionary
step-out — /ˈstɛp aʊt/ (say step owt) noun 1. (in geophysical exploration) the effect which the horizontal distance between the shot point and the seismometer has on the time taken for the reflection of seismic waves. 2. Also, step out well. an oil well… …
step-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: step out : a well drilled outside but near a proved oil field … Useful english dictionary
Offshore drilling — refers to a mechanical process where a wellbore is drilled through the seabed. It is typically carried out in order to explore for and subsequently produce hydrocarbons which lie in rock formations beneath the seabed. Most commonly, the term is… … Wikipedia
Oil platform — A typical offshore oil/gas platform. An oil platform, also referred to as an offshore platform or, somewhat incorrectly, oil rig, is a lаrge structure with facilities to drill wells, to extract and process oil and natural gas, and to temporarily… … Wikipedia
Home run — In baseball, a home run (abbreviated HR) is scored when the ball is hit in such a way that the batter is able to circle all the bases, ending at home plate and scoring runs for himself and each runner who was already on base, with no errors by… … Wikipedia
Oil depletion — per major producing country. This model assumes world oil depletion remains constant at the 2004 level of 80 million barrels per day.[1] However, world oil depletion is currently (as of 2008) at 85 million barrels per day … Wikipedia
Petroleum industry — The distribution of oil and gas reserves among the world s 50 largest oil companies. The reserves of the privately owned companies are grouped together. The oil produced by the supermajor companies accounts for less than 15% of the total world… … Wikipedia
окончательная глубина бурения — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN drilled out depthdrilled out depth … Справочник технического переводчика
Cox model engine — Cox Model Engines Cox Fokker DVII Ready To Fly Control Line Model Plane … Wikipedia
Cox Model Engines — are used to power small model airplanes, model cars and model boats. Cox engines were in production for more than 50 years between 1945 and 2006 by L.M. Cox Manufacturing Co. Inc. who later became Cox Hobbies Inc. and then Cox Products before… … Wikipedia