dried ice

dried ice
обсохший лед

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "dried ice" в других словарях:

  • dried ice-cream mix — sausas ledų mišinys statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Ne daugiau kaip 4 proc. drėgnio sausas gaminys, į kurį įpylus nurodytą vandens kiekį, gaunamas skystas ledų mišinys. atitikmenys: angl. dried ice cream mix šaltinis… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Freeze-dried ice cream — Freeze dried ice cream, also known as astronaut ice cream [This phrase is also a trademark of American Outdoor Products, Inc. [http://www.backpackerspantry.com/prodinfo.asp?number=130001] ] or space ice cream, is a brick of dehydrated ice cream… …   Wikipedia

  • Dried shredded squid — Chinese name Traditional Chinese 魷 …   Wikipedia

  • Ice-minus bacteria — is a nickname given to a variant of the common bacterium Pseudomonas syringae ( P. syringae ). This strain of P. syringae lacks the ability to produce a certain surface protein, usually found on wild type ice plus P. syringae . The ice plus… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice wine — Grapes for ice wine, still frozen on the vine Ice wine (or icewine; German Eiswein) is a type of dessert wine produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. The sugars and other dissolved solids do not freeze, but the water… …   Wikipedia

  • Dried and salted cod — salt fish redirects here. For the dish traditionally made with salt cod, see ackee and saltfish. Salted and dried cod, produced in Norway. Dried and salted cod, often called salt cod or clipfish (klippfisk in Norwegian, see also other names), is… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice age — An ice age is a period of long term reduction in the temperature of the Earth s surface and atmosphere, resulting in an expansion of continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Glaciologically, ice age is often used to mean a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice cream — For other uses, see Ice cream (disambiguation). Ice cream or gelato in Rome, Italy …   Wikipedia

  • ice cream — a frozen food containing cream or milk and butterfat, sugar, flavoring, and sometimes eggs. [1735 45] * * * Frozen dairy food. Ice cream is made from cream or butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavourings. Fruit ices (nondairy frozen desserts) were… …   Universalium

  • Neapolitan ice cream — Block of Cosmopolitan ice cream. Neapolitan ice cream is made up of blocks of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream side by side in the same container (typically with no packaging in between). Neapolitan ice cream was named in the late 19th …   Wikipedia

  • on ice — Synonyms and related words: ascertained, assured, attested, certified, cooked up, cut out, cut and dried, cut and dry, decided, determinate, determined, established, fixed, guaranteed, in the bag, made sure, nailed down, open and shut, packed,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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