- dradge
- низкопроцентная руда
* * *низкопроцентная руда, отделяемая от более богатой путем ручной отборки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dradge — Dradge, n. (Min.) Inferior ore, separated from the better by cobbing. Raymond. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dradge — dradge, dradgy obs. or dial. ff. dredge … Useful english dictionary
Bringing Them Home — The enquiry was established by the federal Attorney General, Michael Lavarch, on 11 May 1995, in response to efforts made by key Indigenous agencies and communities concerned that the general public s ignorance of the history of forcible removal… … Wikipedia
dredge — English has two distinct words dredge, neither with a particularly well documented past. Dredge ‘clear mud, silt, etc from waterway’ [16] may be related in some way to the 15thcentury Scottish term dreg boat, and similarities have been pointed… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
dredge — English has two distinct words dredge, neither with a particularly well documented past. Dredge ‘clear mud, silt, etc from waterway’ [16] may be related in some way to the 15thcentury Scottish term dreg boat, and similarities have been pointed… … Word origins