downwarping — A down bending of stratum to form a depression or syncline [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Adam's Bridge — (Tamil: ta. ஆதாம் பாலம் transl|ta|āthām pālam ), also known as Rama s Bridge or Ram Setu (Tamil: ta. இராமர் பாலம் transl|ta|irāmar pālam , Sanskrit: sa. रामसेतु IAST|rāmasetu ) [also spelled Rama Setu , Ram Sethu , Ramasethu and variants.] , is a … Wikipedia
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium
Geology of the Bryce Canyon area — Paria View overlooks an intermittent stream flowing toward the Paria River, s … Wikipedia
Depression (geology) — A depression in geology is a landform sunken or depressed below the surrounding area. Depressions may be formed by various mechanisms. Structural or tectonic related: Structural basin: A circular, syncline like depression; a region of tectonic… … Wikipedia
Geology of Texas — Texas contains a great variety of geologic settings. The state s stratigraphy has been largely influenced by marine trangressive regressive cycles during the Phanerozoic, with a lesser but still significant contribution from late Cenozoic… … Wikipedia
Sarir field — Infobox Oil field name = Sarir Field country = Libya coordinates = coord|28.22|N|19.13|E|region:LY type:landmark locblock = Sirte Basin, Concession 65 offonshore = Onshore operators = flagicon|Libya Arabian Gulf Oil Company partners =… … Wikipedia
Anhui — /ahn hwee /, n. Pinyin, Wade Giles. a province in E China. 35,000,000; 54,015 sq. mi. (139,899 sq. km). Cap.: Hefei. Also, Older Spelling, Anhwei /ahn hway /. * * * or An hui conventional Anhwei Province (pop., 2000 est.: 59,860,000), east… … Universalium
craton — /kray ton/, n. Geol. a relatively rigid and immobile region of continental portions of the earth s crust. [1940 45; < G Kraton, based on Gk krátos power; cf. CRACY, ON2] * * * ▪ geology the stable interior portion of a continent… … Universalium
Gran Chaco — /grddahn chah kaw/ an extensive subtropical region in central South America, in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. 300,000 sq. mi. (777,000 sq. km). Also called Chaco. * * * Spanish Chaco or El Chaco Lowland alluvial plain, south central South… … Universalium
Henan — /hue nahn /, n. Pinyin. 1. a province in E China. 50,320,000; 64,479 sq. mi. (167,000 sq. km). Cap.: Zhengzhou. 2. former name of Luoyang. Also, Honan. * * * or Ho nan conventional Honan Province (pop., 2000 est.: 92,560,000), east central China … Universalium