dormant state

dormant state
состояние бездействия

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "dormant state" в других словарях:

  • in a dormant state — in an inactive state …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Dormant Commerce Clause — The Dormant Commerce Clause, also known as the Negative Commerce Clause, is a legal doctrine that courts in the United States have inferred from the Commerce Clause in Article I of the United States Constitution. The Commerce Clause expressly… …   Wikipedia

  • dormant — [dôr′mənt] adj. [ME < OFr prp. of dormir < LL dormire < IE base * dre , to sleep > Sans ni dra, sleep] 1. sleeping 2. as if asleep; quiet; still 3. inoperative; inactive 4. Biol. a) torpid in winter; in a state of suspended animation …   English World dictionary

  • State ratifying conventions — are one of the two methods established by Article V of the United States Constitution for ratifying constitutional amendments. Ratifying conventions have only been used for the ratification of the 21st Amendment. All others have been proposed for …   Wikipedia

  • dormant — /dawr meuhnt/, adj. 1. lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive, as in sleep; torpid: The lecturer s sudden shout woke the dormant audience. 2. in a state of rest or inactivity; inoperative; in abeyance: The project is dormant for the time being. 3 …   Universalium

  • Dormant partner — Dormancy Dor man*cy, n. [From {Dormant}.] The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance. [1913 Webster] It is by lying dormant a long time, or being . . . very rarely exercised, that arbitrary power steals upon a people. Burke. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dormant window — Dormancy Dor man*cy, n. [From {Dormant}.] The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance. [1913 Webster] It is by lying dormant a long time, or being . . . very rarely exercised, that arbitrary power steals upon a people. Burke. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dormant — adjective Etymology: Middle English, fixed, stationary, from Anglo French, from present participle of dormir to sleep, from Latin dormire; akin to Sanskrit drāti he sleeps Date: circa 1500 1. represented on a coat of arms in a lying position with …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dormant — dor•mant [[t]ˈdɔr mənt[/t]] adj. 1) inactive, as in sleep; torpid 2) bio phl being in a state of minimal metabolic activity with cessation of growth 3) undeveloped, unasserted, or inactive; latent: talents that lay dormant[/ex] 4) gel (of a… …   From formal English to slang

  • dormant — /ˈdɔmənt / (say dawmuhnt) adjective 1. lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive as in sleep; torpid. 2. in a state of rest or inactivity; quiescent; inoperative; in abeyance. 3. (of a volcano) not erupting. 4. Botany temporarily inactive: dormant… …  

  • dormant — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. torpid; quiescent. See latency, inactivity. Ant., active. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Sleeping] Syn. torpid, somnolent, quiescent, lethargic; see asleep . 2. [Inactive] Syn. inoperative, inert, in… …   English dictionary for students

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