- domanik
- доманик (тонкослоистый тёмно-бурый или чёрный горючий сланец)
* * *доманик
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Croatian Armed Forces (Independent State of Croatia) — Not to be confused with Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. The War flag of the Independent State of Croatia. The Croatian Armed Forces were the armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia which were formed in 1944 with the uniting of… … Wikipedia
Schwarze Legion (Ustascha) — Die Schwarze Legion (kroatisch Crna Legija) war eine Eliteeinheit der faschistischen Ustascha (1941–1945), gegründet von Jure Francetić, nach seinem Tod übernommen von Rafael Boban. Sie war zwischen 1.200 und 1.500 Mann stark. Die Angehörigen der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Croatian Home Guard — Hrvatsko domobranstvo Croatian Home Guard Croatian Trefoil Active 1941–1945 Country … Wikipedia
Domaníky — A view of Domaníky Krupina in the Banská Bystrica Region … Wikipedia
Croatian Armed Forces — HOS ) was the armed force of the Independent State of Croatia which were formed in 1944 with the uniting of the Croatian Home Guard and the Ustaše s forces. These forces operated until their surrender to the British Army in Bleiburg in 1945.… … Wikipedia
List of Empire ships (B) — The Empire ships were a series of ships in the service of the British Government. Their names were all prefixed with Empire. Mostly they were used during the Second World War by the Ministry of War Transport (MoWT), which owned the ships but… … Wikipedia