- ditch cut
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ditch Davey — (born 30 July 1975, in Melbourne) is an Australian actor. He was born Kristian Lind, but legally changed his name to Ditch when he was 18. Ditch came about because his older sister could not pronounce Christian, so instead she ended up calling… … Wikipedia
Cut — Cut, n. 1. An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip. [1913 Webster] 3 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ditch — [n] gulley canal, channel, chase, cut, dike, drain, excavation, furrow, gutter, mine, moat, trench, watercourse; concepts 509,513 ditch [v] get rid of abandon, desert, discard, dispose of, drop, dump*, eighty six*, forsake, jettison, junk*, leave … New thesaurus
Cut (archaeology) — Fig 1. Saxon pit half sectioned In Archaeology and archeological stratification a cut or truncation is a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or… … Wikipedia
ditch — [[t]dɪ̱tʃ[/t]] ditches, ditching, ditched 1) N COUNT A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field. 2) VERB If you ditch something that you have or are responsible for, you abandon it or get rid of it,… … English dictionary
cut — 1. verb 1) the knife slipped and cut his finger Syn: gash, slash, lacerate, sever, slit, pierce, penetrate, wound, injure; scratch, graze, nick, incise, score; lance 2) cut the pepper into smal … Thesaurus of popular words
cut — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Parthian shot, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Spartan, Vandyke, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, abscind, abscondence, absence, absence without … Moby Thesaurus
cut — v 1. gash, slash, lance, slit, slice; notch, ridge, Cookery. score; sever, abscind, split, carve, cleave, sunder; rend, rive, tear, rip; divide, section, apportion; dissect, cut apart, anatomize, disjoint, quarter; disjoin, disunite, dismember. 2 … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ditch — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abri, abysm, abyss, adit, alight, approach trench, aqueduct, arch dam, arroyo, backstop, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, bear trap dam, beaver dam, beg, boom, box canyon, breach, break, breakwater … Moby Thesaurus
ditch — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. channel, trench, gully, canal, moat, watercourse. See furrow. v. t., slang, cast off. See relinquishment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. trench, canal, moat, furrow; see channel 1 , trench . v. 1. [To make a … English dictionary for students
ditch — 1 noun (C) a long narrow hole cut into the ground at the side of a field, road etc, especially for water to flow through see also: lastditch 2 verb 1 (T) to get rid of something because you no longer need it 2 (T) informal to end a romantic… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English