distance indicator

distance indicator
индикатор расстояния

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "distance indicator" в других словарях:

  • Screen distance indicator — Указатель растрового расстояния …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • distance markers — i. Frangible markers placed on the sides of runway indicating the remaining runway length available in thousands of feet. These have black background with numerals painted in fluorescent orange/red color. Also called distance to go markers. ii. A …   Aviation dictionary

  • Cosmic distance ladder — * Light green boxes: Technique applicable to star forming galaxies. * Light blue boxes: Technique applicable to Population II galaxies. * Light Purple boxes: Geometric distance technique. * Light Red box: The planetary nebula luminosity function… …   Wikipedia

  • Extragalactic distance scale — The extragalactic distance scale is a series of techniques used today by astronomers to determine the distance of cosmological bodies (beyond our own galaxy) not easily obtained with traditional methods. Some procedures utilize properties of… …   Wikipedia

  • Vortex Indicator — The Vortex Indicator is a technical indicator invented by Etienne Botes and Douglas Siepman to identify the start of a new trend or the continuation of an existing trend within financial markets. It was published in the January 2010 edition of… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator — Cappi de réflectivité à 1,5 km d altitude par le radar de Montréal(Source Environnement Canada) La Vue Panoramique à Altitude Constante plus connue sous l acronyme de CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) est un affichage qui donne… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Course Deviation Indicator — (CDI) is an avionics instrument used in aircraft navigation to determine an aircraft s lateral position in relation to a track. If the location of the aircraft is to the left of course, the needle deflects to the right, and vice versa. Contents 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator — The Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator, better known as CAPPI, is a radar display which gives a horizontal cross section of data at constant altitude. It has been developed by the Canadians at McGill University in Montreal by the Stormy… …   Wikipedia

  • Moving Target Indicator — Visualisation des cibles mobiles Pour les articles homonymes, voir pour les articles homonymes des sigles VCM et MTI. La visualisation des cibles mobiles (VCM) ( en anglais Moving Target Indicator ou MTI) est une des fonctions offertes par… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan Position Indicator — Pour les articles homonymes, voir PPI. Animation simplifiée de l affichage sur un PPI Le PPI (Vue panoramique à angle d élévation constant) est la méthode d affichage des données qui a été développé dès le tout début de l invention du radar.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plan position indicator — The plan position indicator (PPI), is the most common type of radar display. The radar antenna is usually represented in the center of the display, so the distance from it and height above ground can be drawn as concentric circles. As the radar… …   Wikipedia

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