- dispersal routes
пути рассеяния
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Wolf reintroduction — involves the artificial reestablishment of a population of wolves into areas where they had been previously extirpated. Wolf reintroduction is only considered where large tracts of suitable wilderness still exist and where certain prey species… … Wikipedia
Evolution of dinosaurs — This article gives an outline and examples of dinosaur evolution. For a detailed list of interrelationships see Dinosaur classification. Further information: Evolution of reptiles Evolution of dinosaurs Dinosaurs evolved from the archosaurs 232… … Wikipedia
Rattus — Ratten Wanderratte (Rattus norvegicus) Systematik Ordnung: Nagetiere (Rodentia) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ratze — Ratten Wanderratte (Rattus norvegicus) Systematik Ordnung: Nagetiere (Rodentia) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bird migration — A flock of Barnacle Geese during autumn migration … Wikipedia
List of World War II convoys — For an alphabetical listing of convoy codes, see List of World War II convoy codes. This is a list of World War II convoys grouped regionally. This transport related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. Contents 1 European Coastal… … Wikipedia
Malaysian Expressway System — Malaysian expressway logo The Malaysian Expressway System (Malay: Sistem Lebuhraya Malaysia), which begins with the North South Expressway (NSE), is currently in the process of being substantially developed. It was built by private companies… … Wikipedia
Viet Cong and PAVN battle tactics — Soldier of a NLF/Viet Cong Main Force Unit. They shared common arms, procedures, tactics, organization and personnel with PAVN. Viet Cong and PAVN battle tactics comprised a flexible mix of guerrilla and conventional warfare battle tactics used… … Wikipedia
Viet Cong and Vietnam People's Army logistics and equipment — Trailporters The Viet Cong and the People s Army of Vietnam (PAVN or North Vietnamese Army) used well organized logistics methods to supply and equip their fighting forces. This logistics organization contributed to the defeat of their American… … Wikipedia
Chicago — Chicagoan, n. /shi kah goh, kaw /, n. a city in NE Illinois, on Lake Michigan: second largest city in the U.S. 3,005,072. * * * I City (pop., 2000: 2,896,016), northeastern Illinois, U.S. Located on Lake Michigan and the Chicago River, Chicago… … Universalium
Ant — For other uses, see Ant (disambiguation). Ants Temporal range: 130–0 Ma … Wikipedia