- diphycercal
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Diphycercal — Diph y*cer cal, a. [Gr. difyh s double (di = di s twice + fy ein to produce) + ke rkos tail.] (Anat.) Having the tail fin divided into two equal parts by the notochord, or end of the vertebral column; protocercal. See {Protocercal}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diphycercal — [dif΄i sʉr′kəl] adj. [< Gr diphyēs, twofold (< di , DI 1 + phyein, to bear, bring forth: see BE) + kerkos, tail + AL] designating, of, or having a tail fin in which the upper and lower lobes taper symmetrically to a point to which the… … English World dictionary
diphycercal — |difē, fə̇+ adjective Etymology: diphy + cercal 1. of a tail fin : having the upper and lower portions alike or nearly so and the vertebral column extending to the tip without any upturning in lungfish and crossopterygians this symmetry is… … Useful english dictionary
diphycercal — an internally and externally symmetrical tail fin, e.g. in Dipnoi. May be secondarily acquired from the homocercal condition by loss of the real caudal fin and the gaining of a new one from dorsal and anal elements, e.g. in Gadidae … Dictionary of ichthyology
diphycercal — /dif euh serr keuhl/, adj. Ichthyol. having a tail or caudal fin with the spinal column extending horizontally to the end of the tail, characteristic of lungfish, several other primitive fishes, and the juvenile stage of modern bony fishes. Cf.… … Universalium
diphycercal — adjective Describing a symmetric tail fin in which the vertebral column extends to the tip … Wiktionary
diphycercal — [ˌdɪfɪ sə:k(ə)l] adjective Zoology (of a fish s tail) approximately symmetrical and with the vertebral column continuing to the tip. Origin C19: from Gk diphu of double form + kerkos tail + al … English new terms dictionary
diphycercal — diphy·cercal … English syllables
diphycercal — /dɪfiˈsɜkəl/ (say difee serkuhl) adjective having or designating a primitive tail fin in which the vertebral column extends to the tip, as in the Queensland lungfish. {Greek diphyēs double + kerkos tail + al1} –diphycercy /dɪfiˈsɜsi/ (say difee… …
isocercal — diphycercal (an internally and externally symmetrical tail fin. May be secondarily acquired from the homocercal condition by loss of the real caudal fin and the gaining of a new one from dorsal and anal elements, e.g. in Gadidae) … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish — fishless, adj. /fish/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fishes, v. n. 1. any of various cold blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with … Universalium