- dip slip
• величина скольжения• вертикальное смещение• скольжение по падению• смещение по падению
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
dip-slip fault — noun : a geologic fault the displacement of which is predominantly a dip slip … Useful english dictionary
dip slip — noun : the part of a fault displacement that is recorded by the separation of originally continuous beds or veins measured straight down the dip and in the plane of the fault … Useful english dictionary
dip — [n1] submersion in liquid bath, dive, douche, drenching, ducking, immersion, plunge, soak, soaking, swim; concept 256 dip [n2] something for dunking concoction, dilution, infusion, mixture, preparation, solution, suffusion, suspension; concepts… … New thesaurus
SLIP — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Familia: Protocolos de enlace punto a punto Función: Transmisión de datagramas IP no estándar en líneas serie. Ubicación en la pila de protocolos … Wikipedia Español
Slip-stitch knitting — is a family of knitting techniques that use slip stitches to make multiple fabrics simultaneously, to make extra long stitches, and/or to carry over colors from an earlier row. Contents 1 Basic methods 2 Double knitting with slip stitches 3… … Wikipedia
Dip stitch (knitting) — In knitting, a dip stitch is made by knitting into a stitch (or even the space between stitches) of an earlier row. The most common type of dip stitch is to knit into the row below, which may be used for visual effect or to increase the number of … Wikipedia
slip — I v 1. glide, slide, flow, move smoothly, Dance. glissade; slither, slink, sneak, skulk, lurk, prowl, creep, U.S. Sl. gumshoe; worm, wiggle, wriggle; steal away, slip out or off, escape, get away, flee, run off; evade, elude, dodge, get clear of … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
slip — Synonyms and related words: Mystik tape, Scotch tape, accord, adhesive tape, administer, adolescent, advance, afford, afghan, allot, allow, amplitude, anchor, anchorage, anchorage ground, atrocity, avalanche, avoidance, avoiding reaction, award,… … Moby Thesaurus
dip — Synonyms and related words: acid bath, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, apply paint, armpit, ascend, asperge, attrition, bail, bank, baptism, baptize, basin, bath, bayberry candle, beat the drum, bedaub, bedizen, begild, besmear, bougie, bowl,… … Moby Thesaurus
dip — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. plunge, dive; declivity, slope; hollow, depression; swim. v. t. immerse, plunge; scoop; sink. See obliquity, water, concavity. Ant., rise, incline, emerge. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The action of… … English dictionary for students
dip into — Synonyms and related words: browse, examine cursorily, flip, give the once over, glance at, glance over, glance through, page through, pass over lightly, run over, run through, scan, skim, skim over, skip over, slip through, slur, slur over,… … Moby Thesaurus