- diffraction problem
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Diffraction formalism — Main article: Diffraction Contents 1 Quantitative description and analysis 1.1 General diffraction 1.2 Approximations 1.3 … Wikipedia
Diffraction spike — Diffraction spikes from various stars seen on image taken by HST Diffraction spikes are lines radiating from bright light sources in reflecting telescope images. They are artifacts caused by light diffracting around the support vanes of the… … Wikipedia
Diffraction in time — is a phenomenon associated with the quantum dynamics of suddenly released matter waves initially confined in a region of space. It was introduced in 1952 by Marcos Moshinsky with the shutter problem [1]: A matter wave beam stopped by an absorbing … Wikipedia
Diffraction — Computer generated intensity pattern formed on a screen by diffraction from a square aperture … Wikipedia
Coherent diffraction imaging — A diffraction pattern of a gold nanocrystal formed from using a nano area beam of coherent X rays. This reciprocal space diffraction image was taken by Ian Robinson s Group to be used in the reconstruction of a real space coherent x ray… … Wikipedia
Minkowski problem — In differential geometry, the Minkowski problem, named after Hermann Minkowski, asks, for a given strictly positive real function ƒ defined on sphere, for a strictly convex compact surface S whose Gaussian curvature at the point x equals ƒ(n(x)) … Wikipedia
Phase problem — The phase problem is the name given to the problem of loss of information (the phase) from a physical measurement. The name itself comes from the field of x ray crystallography, where the phase problem has to be solved for the determination of a… … Wikipedia
Electron diffraction — is a technique used to study matter by firing electrons at a sample and observing the resulting interference pattern. This phenomenon occurs due to the wave particle duality, which states that a particle of matter (in this case the incident… … Wikipedia
Fresnel diffraction — In optics, the Fresnel diffraction equation for near field diffraction, is an approximation of Kirchhoff Fresnel diffraction that can be applied to the propagation of waves in the near field.[1] The near field can be specified by the Fresnel… … Wikipedia
Назарчук, Зиновий Теодорович — Зиновий Теодорович Назарчук (г. Львов) Председатель Западного научного центра НАН Украины и МОН Украины, aкадемик. Известный ученый в отрасли радиофизики, технической диагностики и неразрушительного контроля материалов. Библиография О… … Википедия
Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics — Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics* 130 mdash; Claudius Ptolemy tabulates angles of refraction for several media * 1021 mdash; Ibn al Haytham (Alhazen) writes the Book of Optics , studying lenses, the psychology of vision, the… … Wikipedia