- diductor
- пал. 1. дидуктор 2. отмыкающий (о мускуле)
* * *отмыкающий мускул
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
diductor — di·duc·tor … English syllables
diductor — (ˈ)dī|dəktə(r) noun ( s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Latin diductus + English or : a divaricator muscle in arthropomatous brachiopods … Useful english dictionary
diductor muscles — (BRACHIOPODA) Two pairs of muscles that open valves of articulates, commonly attached to brachial valve immediately anterior to beak; principal pair usually inserted in pedicle valve on either side of adductor muscles with posterior accessory… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
lamp shells — ▪ animal Introduction also called brachiopod, any member of the phylum Brachiopoda, a group of bottom dwelling marine invertebrates. They are covered by two valves, or shells; one valve covers the dorsal, or top, side; the other covers… … Universalium
Brachiopod — Taxobox name = Brachiopoda fossil range = Cambrian Recent image width = 250px image caption = Living brachiopods regnum = Animalia phylum = Brachiopoda phylum authority = Duméril, 1806 subdivision ranks = Subphyla and classes subdivision = See… … Wikipedia
Linguliformea — Taxobox | name = Linguliformea regnum = Animalia phylum = Brachiopoda subphylum = Linguliformea subdivision ranks = Classes subdivision = Lingulata PaterinataLinguliformea is a subphylum of inarticulate brachiopods. These were the earliest of… … Wikipedia
cardinal process — (BRACHIOPODA) A blade or boss of the secondary shell placed medially in the posterior end of the brachial valve for the separation or attachment of the diductor muscles … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology