- diatom
- диатомовая водоросль, диатомея, кремнистая водоросль
centric diatom центральная диатомея
pennate diatom пеннатная диатомовая водоросль
* * *• диатомовая водоросль• кремнеземка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Diatom — Di a*tom (d[imac] [.a]*t[o^]m), n. [Gr. dia tomos cut in two. See {Diatomous}.] 1. (Bot.) One of the {Diatomace[ae]}, a family of minute unicellular Alg[ae] having a siliceous covering of great delicacy, each individual multiplying by spontaneous … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diatōm — (v. gr., Miner.), was nach einer Richtung leicht theilbar ist; z.B. Diatomischer Schillerspath, so v.w. Schillerspath; Diatomischer Kuphonspath, so v.w. Laumontit … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Diatom — Diatom, bei Mohs Mineralien, die nach einer Richtung leicht theilbar sind, z.B. Schillerspath, der deßwegen vorzugsweise D. genannt wird … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
diatom — 1845, coined from Gk. diatomos cut in two, from diatemnein to cut through, from dia through (see DIA (Cf. dia )) + temnein to cut (see TOME (Cf. tome)). So called because they typically appear to have been cut in half. Related: Diatomic … Etymology dictionary
diatom — ► NOUN Biology ▪ a single celled alga which has a cell wall of silica. DERIVATIVES diatomaceous adjective. ORIGIN from Greek diatomos cut in two … English terms dictionary
diatom — [dī′e täm΄, dī′ətəm] n. [ModL diatoma < Gr diatomos, cut in two < diatemnein, to cut through < dia , through + temnein, to cut: see TOMY] any of a class (Bacillariophyceae) of microscopic algae (division Chromophycota), one celled or in… … English World dictionary
Diatom — For a molecule of two atoms, see Diatomic molecule. Diatoms Marine diatoms Scientific classification Domain … Wikipedia
diatom — /duy euh teuhm tom /, n. any of numerous microscopic, unicellular, marine or freshwater algae of the phylum Chrysophyta, having cell walls containing silica. [1835 45; < NL Diatoma orig. a genus name, fem. n. based on Gk diátomos cut in two. See… … Universalium
Diatom Enterprises — Type Private Industry Software development, IT consulting Founded Riga, Latvia (2004) Headquarters Riga, Latvia Key people … Wikipedia
diatom ooze — noun : deep sea deposits rich in diatoms * * * diatom ooze noun A deep sea deposit of diatom frustules • • • Main Entry: ↑diatom … Useful english dictionary
diatom — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek diatomos cut in half, from diatemnein to cut through, from dia + temnein to cut more at tome Date: 1845 any of a class (Bacillariophyceae) of minute planktonic unicellular or colonial algae with silicified… … New Collegiate Dictionary