allogenic material

allogenic material
аллохтонный материал

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "allogenic material" в других словарях:

  • Ecological succession — Succession after disturbance: a boreal forest one (left) and two years (right) after a wildfire. Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemotherapy — A woman being treated with docetaxel chemotherapy for breast cancer. Cold mittens and wine coolers are placed on her hands and feet to reduce harm to her nails. Chemotherapy (sometimes cancer chemotherapy) is the treatment of cancer with an… …   Wikipedia

  • inland water ecosystem — ▪ biology Introduction       complex of living organisms in free water on continental landmasses.       Inland waters represent parts of the biosphere within which marked biological diversity, complex biogeochemical pathways, and an array of… …   Universalium

  • Clastic dike — Vertical clastic dike, filled with coarse basaltic sand, cuts lighter colored horizontal beds composed of finer grained material. Quarter for scale. A clastic dike is a seam of sedimentary material that fills a crack in and cuts across… …   Wikipedia

  • Margatoxin — (MgTX) is a peptide that selectively inhibits Kv1.3 voltage dependent potassium channels. It is found in the venom of Centruroides margaritatus, also known as the Central American Bark Scorpion. Margatoxin was first discovered in 1993. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • reaction — 1. The response of a muscle or other living tissue or organism to a stimulus. 2. The color change effected in litmus and certain other organic pigments by contact with substances such as acids or alkalies; also the property that such substances… …   Medical dictionary

  • Stem cell — Mouse embryonic st …   Wikipedia

  • Bone marrow — Simplified illustration of cells in bone marrow. Latin medulla ossium Code TA …   Wikipedia

  • AIDS denialism — refers to the views of a loosely connected group of individuals and organizations who deny that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV/AIDS denialists prefer the terms rethinker or… …   Wikipedia

  • Cutaneous T cell lymphoma — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Cutaneous T cell lymphoma ICD10 = ICD10|C|84|0|c|81, ICD10|C|84|1|c|81 ICD9 = ICD9|202.1, ICD9|202.2 ICDO = ICDO|9700|3, ICDO|9701|3 Caption = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = med eMedicineTopic = 3486… …   Wikipedia

  • Knee cartilage replacement therapy — Articular cartilage, most notably that which is found in the knee joint, is generally characterized by very low friction, high wear resistance, and poor regenerative qualities. It is responsible for much of the compressive resistance and load… …   Wikipedia

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