- detritus rubbish
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
detritus — [[t]dɪtra͟ɪtəs[/t]] N UNCOUNT: with supp Detritus is the small pieces of rubbish that remain after an event has finished or when something has been used. [FORMAL] ...burnt out buildings, littered with the detritus of war … English dictionary
detritus — noun areas littered with military detritus Syn: debris, waste, refuse, rubbish, litter, scrap, flotsam and jetsam, rubble; remains, remnants, fragments, scraps, dregs, leavings, sweepings, dross, scum, trash, garbage … Thesaurus of popular words
detritus — n. 1. Débris, rubbish of attrition. 2. Rubbish, waste, disintegrated remains, débris … New dictionary of synonyms
detritus — Synonyms and related words: afterglow, afterimage, alluvion, alluvium, balance, breccia, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, debris, deposit, diluvium, drift, end, fag end, filings, fossil, grain, granule, granulet, gravel, grit, holdover, husks … Moby Thesaurus
rubbish — Synonyms and related words: absurdity, afterglow, afterimage, amphigory, attack, babble, babblement, bad mouth, balance, balderdash, baloney, bibble babble, bilge, blabber, blather, bombast, bosh, bric a brac, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, butt,… … Moby Thesaurus
detritus — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. rubbish, rubble, waste, debris; see trash 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. fragments, bits and pieces, grains, debris … English dictionary for students
detritus — de·tri·tus || dɪ traɪtÉ™s n. debris, rubbish, waste, disintegrated matter; (Geology) rock in small particles, fragments of rocks; (Ecology) organic debris created by disintegration of animals or plants … English contemporary dictionary
detritus — n 1. rock fragments, drift, sediment, alluvium, moraine; pebbles, gravel, grit, pulverulence, sand, powder, dust. 2. debris, flotsam and jetsam, wreckage, ruins, remains, fragments, shards; rubble, rubbish, litter, junk, trash … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
rubbish — n 1. trash, riffraff, Brit. Dial. raff, litter, sweepings, chaff; refuse, Dial. culch, garbage, waste, offal; debris, detritus, rubble, wreckage; remains, leavings, leftovers, scraps, orts, hogwash, swill; remainder, residue, residuum; scoria,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
trash — 1. noun 1) the subway entrance was blocked with trash Syn: garbage, refuse, waste, litter, junk, debris, detritus, rubbish 2) if they read at all, they read trash Syn: junk, dross, dreck … Thesaurus of popular words
leftover — n Usu. leftovers 1. residue, residuum, rest, remainder, balance, carry over; remnants, fragments, scraps, shards; (of food) orts, leavings; oddments, rummage, odds and ends, truck, junk, Inf. crap; rejectamenta. 2. waste, wastage, remains, refuse … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder