- despeciation
- потеря известных видовых особенностей
* * *потеря известных видовых особенностей
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
despeciation — 1. Alteration of, or loss of species characteristics. 2. Removal of species specific antigenic properties from a foreign protein. * * * de·spe·ci·a·tion (de spe″she aґshən) deviation from or loss of species characteristics … Medical dictionary
despeciation — de·spe·ci·a·tion … English syllables
despeciation — noun see despeciate … Useful english dictionary
despeciate — de·spe·ci·ate ( )dē spē s(h)ē .āt vt, at·ed; at·ing to remove the characteristic antigenicity of (a foreign protein) by chemical or other treatment de·spe·ci·a·tion (.)dē .spē s(h)ē ā shən n * * * de·spe·ci·ate (de speґshe āt) to undergo… … Medical dictionary