- desert varnish
• загар пустыни• защитная корка• лак пустыни• пустынный налет• темная корка железных и марганцевых окислов, покрывающих поверхность пород в пустынях
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Desert varnish — in Horseshoe Canyon, Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Desert varnish, or rock varnish is a orange yellow to black coating found on exposed rock surfaces in arid environments. Desert varnish is usually around one micron thick and present nanometre … Wikipedia
desert varnish — the dark, lustrous coating or crust, usually of manganese and iron oxides, that forms on rocks, pebbles, etc., when exposed to weathering in the desert. Also called desert polish. [1900 05] * * * or patina Thin, dark red to black mineral coating… … Universalium
desert varnish — noun or desert polish : a dark coating or polish found on rocks and pebbles after long exposure in desert regions … Useful english dictionary
desert varnish — (not preferred) refer to rock varnish … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
desert varnish — noun Date: circa 1898 a dark coating which is found on rocks after long exposure in desert regions and whose color is due to iron and manganese oxides … New Collegiate Dictionary
desert varnish — /ˈdɛzət vanɪʃ/ (say dezuht vahnish) noun a dark coating, composed principally of fine grained clay minerals, found on rocks or stone in arid regions …
Desert pavement — near Barstow, California, in the Mojave Desert. A desert pavement is a desert surface that is covered with closely packed, interlocking angular or rounded rock fragments of pebble and cobble size … Wikipedia
Varnish — is a transparent, hard, protective finish or film primarily used in wood finishing but also for other materials. Varnish is traditionally a combination of a drying oil, a resin, and a thinner or solvent. Varnish finishes are usually glossy but… … Wikipedia
Varnish (disambiguation) — Varnish is a mixture used to harden primarily wood.* Varnish * Desert Varnish * Varnish cache A reverse proxy program … Wikipedia
desert — desert1 desertic /di zerr tik/, adj. desertlike, adj. /dez euhrt/, n. 1. a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all: The Sahara is a vast sandy desert. 2. any area … Universalium
desert polish — noun see desert varnish … Useful english dictionary