- depth of compensation
глубина уровня компенсации
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
depth of compensation — the depth below the earth s surface at which the topographic inequalities are compensated by variations in rock density so that all columns of rock or of rock and water above the depth have approximately equal weights … Useful english dictionary
Compensation point — The compensation point is the amount of light intensity on the light curve where the rate of photosynthesis exactly matches the rate of respiration. At this point, the uptake of CO2 through photosynthetic pathways is exactly matched to the… … Wikipedia
compensation — 1. A process in which a tendency for a change in a given direction is counteracted by another change so that the original change is not evident. 2. An unconscious mechanism by which one tries to make up for fancied or real deficiencies. [L. com… … Medical dictionary
Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry … Wikipedia
Depth of focus — For the seismology term, see Depth of focus (tectonics). Depth of focus is a lens optics concept that measures the tolerance of placement of the image plane (the film plane in a camera) in relation to the lens. In a camera, depth of focus… … Wikipedia
compensation depth — the depth at which oxygen production by photosynthesis is balanced by respiratory uptake (usually correlated with the depth at which light is 1% of its incident intensity). This is the lower limit of the photic zone below which there is no net… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Critical Depth — This article is about the Oceanography term. For the video game, see Critical Depth (video game). In biological oceanography, Critical Depth is defined as a hypothesized surface mixing depth at which phytoplankton growth is precisely matched by… … Wikipedia
Carbonate Compensation Depth — (CCD) is the depth in the oceans below which the rate of supply of calcium carbonate (calcite and aragonite) equals the rate of solvation, such that no calcium carbonate is preserved. Calcium carbonate is essentially insoluble in sea surface… … Wikipedia
Calcite compensation depth — Das Mineral Calciumcarbonat kann in Form von Calcit oder Aragonit vorliegen. Diese gehen in Gewässern, aufgrund eines vorliegenden Gradienten mit in der Tiefe zunehmender Konzentration an Kohlenstoffdioxid, ab einer bestimmten Wassertiefe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nonqualified deferred compensation — In the United States, the question whether any compensation plan is qualified or non qualified is primarily a question of taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Any business prefers to deduct its expenses from its income, which will… … Wikipedia
Seuil de compensation des carbonates — Le seuil de compensation des carbonates, ou profondeur de compensation des carbonates, souvent abrégé CDD (de l anglais Carbonats Compensation Depth) est une surface d équilibre des mers et océans, utilisée notamment dans la reconstitution des… … Wikipédia en Français