depth error

depth error
погрешность определения глубин

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "depth error" в других словарях:

  • Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry …   Wikipedia

  • Depth–slope product — The depth–slope product is used to calculate the shear stress at the bed of an open channel containing fluid that is undergoing steady, uniform flow. It is widely used in river engineering, stream restoration, sedimentology, and fluvial… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth of focus — For the seismology term, see Depth of focus (tectonics). Depth of focus is a lens optics concept that measures the tolerance of placement of the image plane (the film plane in a camera) in relation to the lens. In a camera, depth of focus… …   Wikipedia

  • Submarine depth ratings — Depth ratings are primary design parameters and measures of a submarine s ability to operate underwater. The depths to which submarines can dive are limited by the strengths of their hulls. As a first order approximation, each 10 meters (33 feet) …   Wikipedia

  • Driller's depth — The original depth recorded while drilling an oil or gas well is known as the Driller s Depth. Contents 1 The Problem 1.1 Measurement of Driller s Depth 1.2 Measuring drill string length 1.2.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Difference in the Depth of Modulation — or DDM is a method used by the Instrument Landing System in conjunction with the associated airborne receiving equipment to define a position in airspace. [ [ metadataPrefix=html identifier=ADA138301… …   Wikipedia

  • Difference in the depth of modulation — The difference in the depth of modulation or DDM is used by instrument landing systems in conjunction with the associated airborne receiving equipment to define a position in airspace.[1] DDM is usually expressed in percentage but may also be… …   Wikipedia

  • Radiative transfer equation and diffusion theory for photon transport in biological tissue — Photon transport in biological tissue can be equivalently modeled numerically with Monte Carlo simulations or analytically by the radiative transfer equation (RTE). However, the RTE is difficult to solve without introducing approximations. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Hive Records — is an American independent record label that mainly focuses on powernoise, trip hop, ambient, IDM and other sub genres of industrial music. The label was founded in 2003 by DJ Insect and DJ Caustic in Dallas, Texas. Artists that have released… …   Wikipedia

  • Dither — For other uses, see Dither (disambiguation). Provincial definition of to dither from The Rural Economy of Yorkshire: Comprizing the Management of Landed Estates, and the Present Practice of Husbandry in the Agricultural Districts of that County,… …   Wikipedia

  • Parallax — For other uses, see Parallax (disambiguation). A simplified illustration of the parallax of an object against a distant background due to a perspective shift. When viewed from Viewpoint A , the object appears to be in front of the blue square.… …   Wikipedia

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