- depth datum
точка отсчета глубин
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Depth in a well — In the oil and gas industry, depth in a well is the measurement, for any point in that well, of the distance between a reference point or elevation, and that point. It is the most common method of reference for locations in the well, and… … Wikipedia
Datum (geodesy) — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · … Wikipedia
depth contour — A line connecting points of equal depth below the hydrographic datum. Also called bathymetric contour or depth curve … Military dictionary
depth — In maritime/hydrographic use, the vertical distance from the plane of the hydrographic datum to the bed of the sea, lake, or river … Military dictionary
Driller's depth — The original depth recorded while drilling an oil or gas well is known as the Driller s Depth. Contents 1 The Problem 1.1 Measurement of Driller s Depth 1.2 Measuring drill string length 1.2.1 … Wikipedia
Ordnance Datum — In the British Isles, an Ordnance Datum or OD is a vertical datum used by an ordnance survey as the basis for deriving altitudes on maps. A spot height may be expressed as AOD for above ordnance datum . Usually mean sea level (MSL) is used for… … Wikipedia
Sea Level Datum of 1929 — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · … Wikipedia
Chart datum — US civil and maritime uses of tidal data A chart datum is the level of water that charted depths displayed on a nautical chart are measured from. A chart datum is generally a tidal datum; that is, a datum derived from some phase of the tide.… … Wikipedia
уровень отсчёта глубин — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN depth datum … Справочник технического переводчика
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
Gear — For the gear like device used to drive a roller chain, see Sprocket. This article is about mechanical gears. For other uses, see Gear (disambiguation). Two meshing gears transmitting rotational motion. Note that the smaller gear is rotating… … Wikipedia