deflation basin

deflation basin
котловина выдувания
котловина развевания

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "deflation basin" в других словарях:

  • deflation basin —    A topographic basin excavated and maintained by wind erosion which removes unconsolidated material and commonly leaves a rim of resistant material surrounding the depression. Unlike a blowout, a deflation basin does not include adjacent… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • deflation flat —    (colloquial: US Gulf Coast)    A series of low ridges and troughs on an essentially flat surface on barrier islands formed by dune field migration during alternating wet and dry periods; a type of interdune.    Troughs are eroded down to the… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Desert pavement — near Barstow, California, in the Mojave Desert. A desert pavement is a desert surface that is covered with closely packed, interlocking angular or rounded rock fragments of pebble and cobble size …   Wikipedia

  • dune lake —     a) A lake occupying a deflation basin as in a blowout on a dune.     b) A lake occupying a basin formed by the blocking of a stream by sand dunes migrating along a shore (e.g., Moses Lake, WA).    GG …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • blowout —    A saucer , cup , or trough shaped depression formed by wind erosion on a preexisting dune or other sand deposit, especially in an area of shifting sand, loose soil, or where protective vegetation is disturbed or destroyed; the adjoining… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • котловина выдувания — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN deflation basin …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… …   Universalium

  • Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… …   Universalium

  • Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… …   Universalium

  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

  • China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast …   Universalium

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