- alkaline battery
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Alkaline battery — Alkaline batteries are a type of disposable battery dependent upon the reaction between zinc and manganese (IV) oxide (Zn/MnO2).Compared with zinc carbon batteries of the Leclanché or zinc chloride types, while all produce approximately 1.5 volts … Wikipedia
alkaline battery — A storage battery which uses an alkaline electrolyte (dilute potassium hydroxide) … Dictionary of automotive terms
alkaline battery — noun Date: 1941 a long lived dry cell with an alkaline electrolyte that decreases corrosion of the cell called also alkaline cell … New Collegiate Dictionary
alkaline battery — noun : a long lived dry cell that has an alkaline electrolyte which decreases corrosion of the cell called also alkaline cell … Useful english dictionary
alkaline battery — noun A power cell having potassium hydroxide as its electrolyte, a zinc / manganese dioxide cell … Wiktionary
Rechargeable alkaline battery — is a type of alkaline battery that is rechargeable. The first generation rechargeable alkaline technology was developed by Battery Technologies Inc in Canada and licensed to Pure Energy, Rayovac and Grandcell. Subsequent patent and advancements… … Wikipedia
nickel-iron alkaline battery — noun : edison battery … Useful english dictionary
Battery (electricity) — For other uses, see Battery (disambiguation). Various cells and batteries (top left to bottom right): two AA, one D, one handheld ham radio battery, two 9 volt (PP3), two AAA, one C, one … Wikipedia
battery — /bat euh ree/, n., pl. batteries. 1. Elect. a. Also called galvanic battery, voltaic battery. a combination of two or more cells electrically connected to work together to produce electric energy. b. cell (def. 7a). 2. any large group or series… … Universalium
Battery — /bat euh ree/, n. The, a park at the S end of Manhattan, in New York City. Also called Battery Park. * * * Any of a class of devices, consisting of a group of electrochemical cells (see electrochemistry), that convert chemical energy into… … Universalium
Battery holder — A battery holder is one or more compartments or chambers for holding a battery or batteries. In the case of dry cells the holder is also usually responsible for making electrical contact. In the case of wet cells cables normally make contact with … Wikipedia