deck charge

deck charge
рассредоточенный заряд

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "deck charge" в других словарях:

  • Deck gun — can also mean a type of big water nozzle used for firefighting. British Mk XXII 4 inch deck gun from S class submarine …   Wikipedia

  • Depth charge — For other uses, see Depth charge (disambiguation). Mark IX Depth Charge used by the U.S. Navy late in World War II. Unlike the cylindrical, barrel shaped depth charge used earlier, the Mark IX is streamlined and equipped with canted fins to… …   Wikipedia

  • Officer of the Deck — (OOD) is a position in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard that confers certain authority and responsibility. The Officer of the Deck on a ship is the Captain s direct representative, having responsibility for the ship.… …   Wikipedia

  • Officer of the deck — (OOD) is a position in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard that confers certain authority and responsibility. The officer of the deck on a ship is the direct representative of the captain, having responsibility for the ship.… …   Wikipedia

  • Officer of the deck — Officer Of fi*cer, n. [F. officier. See {Office}, and cf. {Official}, n.] 1. One who holds an office; a person lawfully invested with an office, whether civil, military, or ecclesiastical; as, a church officer; a police officer; a staff officer.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • depth charge — an explosive device that is used against submarines and other underwater targets, and is usually set to detonate at a predetermined depth. Also called depth bomb. [1915 20] * * * or depth bomb Weapon used by ships or aircraft to attack submerged… …   Universalium

  • Gun deck — Gun Gun (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • officer of the deck — The officer of the deck under way has been designated by the commanding officer to be in charge of the ship, including its safe and proper operation. The officer of the deck reports directly to the commanding officer for the safe navigation and… …   Military dictionary

  • on deck — adjective a) On the deck of a ship, especially of a captain or officer; in charge. Jones is the on deck batter. b) The batter that will be up next, typically when that player is waiting on the field …   Wiktionary

  • officer of the deck — n. the officer in charge of a naval ship during a given watch …   English World dictionary

  • officer of the deck — the officer in charge of a naval vessel for an assigned period (as a 4 hour watch) who is stationed on the bridge while at sea or on the quarterdeck while in port, who represents the commanding officer, and who for the duration of such duty is… …   Useful english dictionary

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