debris scree

debris scree
угловатые обломки породы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "debris scree" в других словарях:

  • Scree — Scree, also called talus and detritic cone, is a term given to broken rock that appears at the bottom of crags, mountain cliffs or valley shoulders, forming a scree slope. The maximum inclination of such deposits corresponds to the angle of… …   Wikipedia

  • scree —    A collective term for an accumulation of coarse rock debris or a sheet of coarse debris mantling a slope. Scree is not a synonym of talus, as scree includes loose rock fragments on slopes without cliffs.    Compare: talus, colluvium, mass… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • scree — 1. noun /ˈskɹiː/ a) Loose stony debris on a slope. Occasional rounds zinged off the scree, each with a different pitch. b) A slope of such material at the base of a cliff, etc. The next landmark was an apachita cairn, at the top of a steep scree …   Wiktionary

  • scree test — An alternative method of deciding how many factors should be retained in any particular factor analysis . The principal method of deciding how many of the smaller factors to exclude, after retaining those which explain most of the common variance …   Dictionary of sociology

  • scree — noun Etymology: Scots & northern English dialect, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skritha landslide, from skrītha to creep; akin to Old High German scrītan to go, Lithuanian skriesti to turn Date: circa 1781 an accumulation of loose… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • debris — Synonyms and related words: afterglow, afterimage, alluvion, alluvium, balance, breccia, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, clamjamfry, deposit, detritus, diluvium, dregs, drift, dross, dust, end, fag end, filings, fossil, garbage, grain,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • scree — Synonyms and related words: aa, abyssal rock, alluvion, alluvium, basalt, bedrock, block lava, brash, breccia, conglomerate, crag, debris, deposit, detritus, diluvium, drift, druid stone, festooned pahoehoe, gneiss, granite, igneous rock, lava,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Coastal erosion — Many stretches of the East Anglia, England coastline are prone to heavy levels of erosion, such as this, the collapsed section of cliffs at Hunstanton, Norfolk. Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land and the removal of beach or dune… …   Wikipedia

  • Дресва — рыхлый продукт физ. выветривания разл. г. п. Состоит из неокатанных обломков исходной п. и слагающих ее м лов размером 1 10 мм. Геологический словарь: в 2 х томах. М.: Недра. Под редакцией К. Н. Паффенгольца и др.. 1978 …   Геологическая энциклопедия

  • Azores — Azorean, Azorian /euh zawr ee euhn, zohr /, adj., n. /euh zawrz , euh zohrz , ay zawrz, ay zohrz/, n. (used with a pl. v.) a group of islands in the N Atlantic, W of Portugal: politically part of Portugal. 336,100; 890 sq. mi. (2305 sq. km). * *… …   Universalium

  • жорства — дресва gruss, debris, scree Grus, Moderstein, Steinschutt, Steinschlag продукти вивітрювання гірських порід, що складаються з гострокутних незцементованих уламків порід або мінералів розміром 1 10 мм. Входить, зокрема, до складу курумів …   Гірничий енциклопедичний словник

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