- data collection
регистрация данных
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Data collection — is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data, for example, as part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important… … Wikipedia
data collection — UK US noun [U] IT, MARKETING ► the activity of collecting information that can be used to find out about a particular subject: »The majority of data collection will be undertaken by interview. » data collection methods … Financial and business terms
Data Collection — [engl.], Datenerfassung … Universal-Lexikon
data collection system — duomenų rinkimo sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. data acquisition system; data collection system; data gathering system vok. Datenerfassungssystem, n; Datensammelsystem, n rus. система сбора данных, f pranc. système d… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
data collection satellite — duomenų rinkimo palydovas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. data collection satellite vok. Datenerfassungssatellit, m rus. спутник сбора данных, m pranc. satellite collecteur de données, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
data collection technician — informacijos surinkimo technikas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Technikas, kuris vykdo įvairias užduotis, susijusias su viešosios nuomonės ar rinkos tyrimo duomenų rinkimu ir jų kaupimu. Jis planuoja ir organizuoja duomenų rinkimą,… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
data collection — Bringing data from one or more points to a central point … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
data collection systems — computer system designed for entering and rapid processing of data … English contemporary dictionary
Data collection — Сбор данных … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Agentless data collection — In the field of information technology, agentless data collection involves collecting data from computers without installing any new agents on them.What is an Agent?For the purpose of this discussion, an agent is a software program (sometimes… … Wikipedia
Implicit data collection — is used in human computer interaction to gather data about the user in an implicit, non invasive way.OverviewThe collection of user related data in human computer interaction is used to adapt the computer interface to the end user. The data… … Wikipedia