- daily output
суточная добыча
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
daily output — pamainos produkcija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. daily output vok. Tageserzeugung, f; Tagesleistung, f rus. сменная выработка, f pranc. production journalière, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
daily output — amount of sales or production in a day … English contemporary dictionary
daily — I adjective accustomed, common, diurnal, established, habitual, ordinary, quotidian, quotidie, regular, routine, usual associated concepts: daily attendance, daily balance, daily occupation, daily output, daily publication, daily rate of pay,… … Law dictionary
output — 01. The addition of three new machines has increased our [output] by over 50%. 02. By using computers to help make their manufacturing process more efficient, the company was able to increase its annual [output] by more than 20%. 03. Electrical… … Grammatical examples in English
output — /owt poot /, n., v., outputted or output, outputting. n. 1. the act of turning out; production: the factory s output of cars; artistic output. 2. the quantity or amount produced, as in a given time: to increase one s daily output. 3. the material … Universalium
Daily NK — 데일리NK Формат Новостной сайт Главный редактор Пак Инхо Основана декабрь 2004 … Википедия
Daily NK — The Daily NK Brightening the Future of Korea Format On line Publisher Han Ki Hong Editor Sohn Kwang joo Founded December 2004 (2004 12) … Wikipedia
output — n. 1) to increase, step up output 2) to curtail, cut back, reduce output 3) annual; daily; monthly output * * * [ aʊtpʊt] cut back daily monthly output reduce output step upoutput annual to curtail to increase … Combinatory dictionary
Control (management) — Controlling is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized… … Wikipedia
Oil Campaign chronology of World War II — Main articles: Oil Campaign of World War II and Oil Campaign targets of World War II The Oil Campaign chronology of World War II lists bombing missions and related events regarding the petroleum/oil/lubrication (POL) facilities that supplied Nazi … Wikipedia
February 2004 — was the second month of 2004 in the Gregorian calendar. It began on a Sunday and ended after 29 days, also on a Sunday.February 2004 : January February March April May June July August September October November December →EventsFebruary 1, 2004*A … Wikipedia