- curved-ray tomography
• томография на криволинейных лучах• томография с учетом криволинейности лучей источник-приемник
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
tomography — Making of a radiographic image of a selected plane by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x ray tube and film cassette; images of all other planes are blurred (“out of focus”) by being relatively displaced on the film. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
Computed tomography — tomos (slice) and graphein (to write).Computed tomography was originally known as the EMI scan as it was developed at a research branch of EMI, a company best known today for its music and recording business. It was later known as computed axial… … Wikipedia
X-ray microscope — An X ray microscope uses electromagnetic radiation in the soft X ray band to produce images of very small objects. Unlike visible light microscopes, X rays do not reflect or refract easily, and they are invisible to the human eye. Therefore the… … Wikipedia
X-ray computed tomography — For non medical computed tomography, see Industrial CT Scanning. catSCAN redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Transformers: Universe. X ray computed tomography Intervention A patient is receiving a CT scan for cancer. Outsid … Wikipedia
X-ray tube — An X ray tube is a vacuum tube that produces X rays. They are used in X ray machines. X rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, an ionizing radiation with wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet light. X ray tubes evolved from experimental… … Wikipedia
томография с учётом криволинейности лучей — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN curved ray tomography … Справочник технического переводчика
Medical ultrasonography — This article is about using ultrasound to image the human body. For imaging of animals in research, see Preclinical imaging. Sonography redirects here. For the tactile alphabet called sonography , see Night writing. Medical ultrasonography… … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
Diffraction topography — (short: topography ) is an X ray imaging technique based on Bragg diffraction. Diffraction topographic images ( topographs ) record the intensity profile of a beam of X rays (or, sometimes, neutrons) diffracted by a crystal. A topograph thus… … Wikipedia
diagnosis — /duy euhg noh sis/, n., pl. diagnoses / seez/. 1. Med. a. the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition. b. the decision reached from such an examination. Abbr.: Dx 2. Biol. scientific… … Universalium
Pulmonary contusion — Classification and external resources A CT scan showing a pulmonary contusion (red arrow) accompanied by a rib fracture (blue arrow) ICD 10 S … Wikipedia