
микроскопические кристаллики в форме иголок и столбиков

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "crystalloids" в других словарях:

  • crystalloids — adj. resembling a crystal, crystalline n. substance that forms crystals; mass of protein that looks like a crystal found in plants (Botany) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • crystalloids of Reinke — conspicuous, variously shaped, crystal like structures contained in Leydig cells …   Medical dictionary

  • Reinke crystalloids (crystals) edema space — Rein·ke crystalloids (crystals), edema, space (rīnґkə) [Friedrich Berthold Reinke, German anatomist, 1862–1919] see under crystalloid, edema, and space …   Medical dictionary

  • Charcot-Bцttcher crystalloids — slender spindle shaped crystals 10 to 25 μm long, commonly found in Sertoli cells of the human testis but not in other species …   Medical dictionary

  • Volume expander — A volume expander is a type of intravenous therapy that has the function of providing volume for the circulatory system. It may be used for fluid replacement. Contents 1 Physiology 2 Types 2.1 Colloids 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Oncotic pressure — Oncotic pressure, or colloid osmotic pressure, is a form of osmotic pressure exerted by proteins in blood plasma that usually tends to pull water into the circulatory system. Throughout the body, dissolved compounds have an osmotic pressure.… …   Wikipedia

  • Shock (circulatory) — Acute shock redirects here. For the psychological condition, see Acute stress reaction. Shock ICD 10 many incl. R57 ICD 9 785 DiseasesDB …   Wikipedia

  • Fluid replacement — or fluid resuscitation is the medical practice of replenishing bodily fluid lost through sweating, bleeding, fluid shifts or other pathologic processes. Fluids can be replaced via oral administration (drinking), intravenous administration,… …   Wikipedia

  • dialysis — /duy al euh sis/, n., pl. dialyses / seez /. 1. Physical Chem. the separation of crystalloids from colloids in a solution by diffusion through a membrane. 2. Biochem. the separation of large molecules, as proteins, from small molecules and ions… …   Universalium

  • renal system — ▪ anatomy Introduction  in humans (human body), organ system that includes the kidneys, where urine is produced, and the ureters, bladder, and urethra for the passage, storage, and voiding of urine.       In many respects the human excretory, or… …   Universalium

  • crystalloid — 1. Resembling a crystal, or being such. 2. A body that in solution can pass through a semipermeable membrane, as distinguished from a colloid, which cannot do so. Charcot Böttcher crystalloids spindle shaped crystalloids 10–25 μm long, found in… …   Medical dictionary

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