crater bowl

crater bowl
второстепенный конус
кратерная чаша

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "crater bowl" в других словарях:

  • Crater Lake National Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) …   Wikipedia

  • crater — 1610s, from L. crater, from Gk. krater bowl for mixing wine with water, from kera to mix, from PIE root *kere . Used in Latin for bowl shaped mouth of a volcano. Applied to features of the Moon since 1860. As a verb, from 1884 …   Etymology dictionary

  • crater — ► NOUN ▪ a large bowl shaped cavity, especially one caused by an explosion or impact or forming the mouth of a volcano. ► VERB ▪ form a crater or craters in. ORIGIN Greek krat r mixing bowl …   English terms dictionary

  • crater — [krāt′ər] n. [L, mixing bowl, mouth of a volcano < Gr kratēr < kerannynai, to mix: see IDIOSYNCRASY] 1. in ancient Greece or Rome, a kind of large bowl or jar shaped like an amphora 2. a bowl shaped cavity, as at the mouth of a volcano or… …   English World dictionary

  • crater — crateral, craterous, adj. craterlike, adj. /kray teuhr/, n., gen. Crateris /kray tear is/ for 9, v. n. 1. the cup shaped depression or cavity on the surface of the earth or other heavenly body marking the orifice of a volcano. 2. Also called… …   Universalium

  • crater — [17] Greek kratér meant ‘bowl’, or more specifically ‘mixing bowl’: it was a derivative of the base *kerā, which also produced the verb kerannúnai ‘mix’. (Crater or krater is still used in English as a technical term for the bowl or jar used by… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • crater — [17] Greek kratér meant ‘bowl’, or more specifically ‘mixing bowl’: it was a derivative of the base *kerā, which also produced the verb kerannúnai ‘mix’. (Crater or krater is still used in English as a technical term for the bowl or jar used by… …   Word origins

  • crater — cra•ter [[t]ˈkreɪ tər[/t]] n. v. tered, ter•ing 1) gel the cup shaped depression or cavity on the surface of the earth or other heavenly body marking the orifice of a volcano 2) gel astron. (on the surface of the earth, moon, etc.) a bowl shaped… …   From formal English to slang

  • crater — /ˈkreɪtə / (say kraytuh) noun 1. the cup shaped depression or cavity marking the orifice of a volcano. 2. (in the surface of the earth, moon, etc.) a rounded hollow formed by the impact of a meteorite. 3. (on the surface of the moon) a roughly… …  

  • crater — noun 1》 a large bowl shaped cavity, especially one caused by an explosion or impact or forming the mouth of a volcano. 2》 a large bowl used in ancient Greece for mixing wine. verb form a crater or craters in. Origin C17: via L. from Gk kratēr… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Crater — n. & v. n. 1 the mouth of a volcano. 2 a bowl shaped cavity, esp. that made by the explosion of a shell or bomb. 3 Astron. a hollow with a raised rim on the surface of a planet or moon, caused by the impact of a meteorite. 4 Antiq. a large… …   Useful english dictionary

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