- core analyses
исследования керна
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Core Research Center — The Core Research Center is a facility run by the United States Geological Survey, located in F bay in building 810 on the Denver Federal Center campus. It is maintained by the USGS to preserve valuable rock cores, well cuttings and various other … Wikipedia
core — n in drilling, a cylindrical section of rock (coal) that is usually 5 to 10 cm in diameter, taken as part of the interval penetrated by a core bit and brought to the surface for geologic examination, representative sampling and laboratory… … Coke&Coal Terminology
Ice core — An ice core is a core sample from the accumulation of snow and ice over many years that have re crystallized and have trapped air bubbles from previous time periods. The composition of these ice cores, especially the presence of hydrogen and… … Wikipedia
Fedora Core — Fedora Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fedora (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Fedora Core 2 — Fedora Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fedora (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Fedora Core 4 — Fedora Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fedora (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Fedora Core 5 — Fedora Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fedora (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Fedora Core 6 — Fedora Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fedora (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
K-core — K cores in graph theory were introduced by Seidman in 1983 and by Bollobas in 1984 as a method of (destructively) simplifying graph topology to aid in analysis and visualization. They have been more recently defined as the following by Batagelj… … Wikipedia
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses — (IDSA) is India s premier think tank for advanced research in international relations, especially strategic and security issues, and also trains civilian and military officers of the Government of India. Established in 1965, IDSA is funded by but … Wikipedia
Kuwae — Kueae also called Karua is a submarine volcano between Epi and Tongoa islands, one of the most active volcanoes of Vanuatu. Cataclysmic event Tongoa and Epi islands once formed part of a larger island called Kuwae. Local folklore tells of a… … Wikipedia